Subject: ~Are you really hungry?


Most people are eating for the wrong hunger signal. There are four.

Therefore, telling people to just “eat less” is a huge disservice if
you don’t teach them about the tricksters - the hunger signals that are

Hunger Signal #1 - Physical Hunger

Most people think that hunger has everything to do with your stomach. When
there is food in your belly, you feel full. When your stomach is empty, you
feel hungry. This is what I call, physical hunger.

Physical hunger is the feeling you get several hours after a meal, after a
long day of work, or after an intense exercise session. Your stomach growls
and you might feel tired, irritable and have difficulty thinking. This is
caused by your body’s true physical need for nutrients and energy.

Hunger Signal #2 - Hormonal Hunger

But your feelings of hunger are affected by many factors beyond whether
your stomach is full or empty. In fact, we often feel “hungry” again,
soon after a big meal. Or we experience sudden, strong cravings, especially
for sweets and carbs. This is what I call hormonal hunger, and it has
little to do with how much you’ve eaten and everything to do with
hormonal ignorance. The cravings caused by hormonal hunger can overcome
even the staunchest willpower, and can lead to intense mood swings,
fatigue, and a near constant desire to eat.

Hunger Signal #3 - Nutritional Hunger

Most people who consume the Standard American Diet (SAD) also experience
nutritional hunger. This is actually another form of hormonal hunger,
caused by a lack of vital nutrients. When your diet consists largely of
grain-based carbohydrates and other processed, refined foods, your body is
missing out on hundreds of critical vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and
enzymes. As a means of survival, it will continue to send hormonal signals
to your brain to “EAT, EAT, EAT,” even when you have consumed far more calories than you
need for basic energy requirements.

Hunger Signal #4 - Learned Hunger

And finally, there is learned hunger. Since eating elicits a flood of
feel-good molecules, the brain will “learn” when and how the food was
obtained as a survival method to obtain more in the future. In its most
benign form, learned hunger arises at meal time. And since 1pm –
lunchtime – comes around only once per day, its fine.

But, in its most malignant form, learned hunger can force someone into
overeating based simply on bad eating habits. For instance. if someone eats
multiple times per day (bodybuilders and athletes) or while watching
television, learned hunger can set in and force them to become hungry each
and every time the situation presents itself. Athletes who eat every two
hours, are simply training their body to become hungry despite no need for
nutrients. Same for children – or anyone else – who eat in front of the
television. Subconsciously, associations will be made based on learned
hunger and forced overeating.

You see, the hunger that most people feel has nothing to do with a real
need for food, most of the time your hormones or brain are lying to you. It
is either caused by the body’s demand for nutrients, raging hormones of
hunger or learned hunger.

True hunger comes from physical hunger.

Understanding how the three types of hunger can fool us shows why it’s
not fair or prudent to tell overweight people to simply eat less – it’s
virtually impossible without teaching them about physical hunger and
how to avoid the other three by eating the right calories. Those come
from foods like, human raised meat, eggs, chicken, veggies, butter,
avocados, seeds and nuts.

Once your diet consists of these nutrient powerhouses, the powerful urges
to eat can be avoided.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're diet is rich in sugar, your brain needs to be rewired to stop
craving it. Start with this nutrient combo: and