Subject: Are Your MEDS Stealing Your 3rd Class Medical?


Are medications stealing your 3rd Class Medical?
This is a serious question!

Most pilots don't learn about the dangers of prescription drugs until it's
too late!

A recent study by the FAA shows that common OTC medications
are responsible
for a whopping 12% of accidents in general aviation and
that 42% of pilots 
in a crash are on some type of drug!

“They may seem like harmless over-the-counter medications, but
 drugs likepain relievers or cough suppressants can impair a
 ability to safely fly a plane or helicopter,” warned ABC News.

This is unacceptable! 

You can start fixing the problem my looking in
the mirror.

I’m a private pilot and a chemist, so I know first hand how
drugs can be in the cockpit.  I don’t need the grim
stories like this 

One accident killed two girls - age 3 and 6 - and their grandparents.

“The grandfather was at the controls when the small plane went down short
of the runway in Visalia, CA in 2006. The National Transportation Safety
Board found one of the causes of the crash was a “build-up of sedating
medication -- an
over-the-counter sleep aid -- in the man's

In an official statement, the FAA said that educating
pilots “on the 
potential detrimental effects of medications is the most
effective way to
address this issue."

In an FAA brochure, ABC News pointed out that the organization warns of

using “any medication whose side effects include "lightheadedness,

dizziness, drowsiness or visual disturbance.”

This warning 

is only as good as the pilot who hears it...Some may
brush it off.

The true test of a good pilot is their ability to see danger under present
circumstances, with the imminent dangers still hidden by time.

Today, an invisible threat is lurking: Beta-blockers and ace-inhibitors 

The biggest risks facing commercial and private pilots are blood
medications.  Time will show their ability to slow reaction

And it won’t be pretty!

Slow reaction time is a death sentence in an airplane. And if your blood
pressure medication is causing it, obesity and Type II diabetes await.

Your blood pressure medication WILL STEAL YOUR THIRD CLASS MEDICAL.

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Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist