Subject: Are Your Ideas Causing Cancer?


Are your Ideas and Habits causing Cancer?


By The Peoples Chemist


As highlighted in my book, Health Myths Exposed, habits create and eradicate disease.  Are your habits killing you or are they ensuring that you live young?  Let me explain.

Have you ever noticed that most people who suffer from obesity, heart disease or cancer share these afflictions with other family members or close friends?  Genetics are usually blamed. This is only true 1-2% of the time.  Poor health passed down through generations is due to sharing similar ideas and lifestyle habits. 

Writing for The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis, professor at Harvard Medical School, showed how this phenomenon of "idea sharing" can lead to obesity.  But you don't need science babble to understand it.  Simply verify the contents of food in the refrigerator among family members as well as their exercise, eating and drinking habits.  You will find that those who share the most similarities in lifestyle habits also share the same ideas and therefore the same health - bad or good. And those who make the same lifestyle changes experience equivalent changes in health - regardless of genetics.

This highlights one of the most important aspects of living vibrantly healthy:  Our habits guide our health - not prescription drugs.  Therefore, to make a health transformation we must first recognize and sever our ties to self-limiting ideas (and prescription drugs) that have infected us and instead capitalize on healthy habits.  The best place to start is by looking at our consumption of sugar.

Excess sugar consumption leads to cancer.  If you are habitually consuming it, then you are building an environment within your body conducive to cancer growth.  By limiting sugar consumption, you prevent this pandemic killer from limiting your lifespan.  And as highlighted by the NEJM, the best place to start would be to stop hanging around those people who can't seem to get enough of the "artificial feel good."

About the Author

Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison has a master's degree in organic chemistry and has first hand experience in drug design and synthesis. He is an internationally recognized authority on therapeutic nutrition and the author of Health Myths Exposed, The Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs and The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery. Get a 10% discount on these life-saving products by visiting: