Subject: Are You Victim of the Multi-Vitamin Scam?

In the early 20th century, Americans loved cigarettes. 

Nobody thought smoking was bad for human health. Quite the contrary — everyone thought it was "safe" (and cool) to smoke tobacco. That's because scientist and pompous government officials assured Americans that tobacco was safe. Even the American Cancer Society said "no definite evidence exists" showing that smoking causes lung cancer.

Then, they got house moms smoking to "reclaim their independence."  This was a planned PR stunt to serve as the catalyst for mass amounts of women smoking.

Meanwhile, the tobacco industry was raking in insane profits…laughing all the way to the bank. 

Everybody and their grandmother purchased packs of cigarettes because it was the cool thing to do. The industry denied cigarettes were linked to lung cancer, and called anyone who challenged them a "quack."

FOUR DECADES LATER, Americans finally caught on to the scam...forty years!!!!  How stupid are we?

Thanks to a Surgeon General's Report blowing the whistle in 1967, people finally realized smoking is the principal cause of lung cancer.


Wish I could say we're smarter now, but sadly, not much has changed (except we're fatter and sicker now).

Today, it's deja vu all over again.  This time, it's the pharmaceutical drug industry scamming and profiting off Americans' ignorance of "vitamins."

One of the biggest lies perpetuating right now is the multi-vitamin scam.

This is where Big Pharma (disguised as "nutritional supplement makers") sells you bottles of toxic vitamins you don't need.

Their products contain poisons — like synthetic vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid. (Oh, you thought those were good for you? Better read this.)

Now instead of having a love affair with cigarettes, Americans today have a love affair with store-bought multivitamins…which are nothing more than dangerous prescription drugs in disguise.

Ironically, Big Pharma is following the EXACT same playbook the tobacco industry did:

Lie to the public, cash in, repeat.

And nobody seems to give a shit.

Do YOU believe in the lies?

Do you believe all store-bought multivitamin products are "safe" just because some jackass on TV told you they were?

If so, I pity you.

This whole mass trickery could be stopped instantly, if everyone simply stopped believing the lie.

But Americans seem to have a really bad habit of willful ignorance — which serves as the lubricant that allows big industries to profit off the masses' stupidity.

Bad habits die hard.

How many more decades will it take for Americans to catch on to this latest multivitamin scam? Four decades? Five? Six?

Millions perished because of the tobacco industry's lies.

Millions more have died, and continue dying, thanks to Big Pharma's lies.

Same story, different industry.

It's mass genocide: killing people by selling them toxic products and lying about how safe they are.

When you remain ignorant of the facts, you give supplement scammers a free pass to sell you multivitamin products that slowly kill you…all under the guise of "health."

This entire problem could vanish INSTANTLY, if everyone simply woke up and faced the truth.

Your multi-vitamin shouldn't kill you…it should help you live longer, younger, better, and stronger.

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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