Subject: Are You Being POISONED by Multivitamins?


These days, you can't swallow, use, or consume a product without being
exposed to a barrage of toxic chemicals.

Sad but true.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is speaking out
about our rampant use of toxic substances.

In their article, "Updating the Toxic Substances Control Act to Protect
Human Health," they warn, "Increasing evidence from laboratory and human
studies shows that synthetic chemicals contribute to disease and
dysfunction across the life course. Of particular emerging concern is the
disruption of the hormonal process that has been found to be associated
with increasing rates of obesity, diabetes, neuro-developmental
disabilities, infertility, and breast and prostate cancers."

You read that right…using synthetic chemicals can lead to prostate

Why? Because these chemicals destroy your hormones…which then erode your
prostate health over time.

If you currently have prostate problems - for example, if you have frequent
urination problems - then it's probably due, in part, to all the chemicals
you've been exposing your body to, through the use in common household
products. (Think: cleaning products, air fresheners, bug sprays, lawn care
products, Pharma foods, and even prescription drugs!)

"Approximately 85,000 or more synthetic chemicals are now approved for
widespread use in the United States, with more than 600 new chemicals
approved by the EPA each year."

…And who or what in the hell is in charge of regulating this shower of

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), that's who…

The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is a law that was put into place in

It hasn't been updated in 40 years!

Imagine your iPhone not being updated in 40 years…

It's a crap law, now…Nearly 60,000 chemicals have been "grandfathered in"
since the act's passage…which is a sneaky way of saying they're exempt
from being regulated.

And many of these chemicals are now masquerading as "multi-vitamins!"

The New York Times reported that, "In reality, however, most of the
vitamins in our diets are synthetic additions, whether they're in obviously
fortified products like breakfast cereals, or hiding in plain sight." That
"fortified" cereal you're eating daily is nothing more than toxic sludge
masquerading as a healthy breakfast. That "multi-vitamin" product you're
choking down is likely chock full of fake, synthetic ingredients. And it's
making you sick.

This is all perfectly legal, according to lawmakers.

So yeah…TSCA needs an update like my two-year-old's diaper. Multi-vitamin
users are being poisoned under the guise of taking a "healthy" pill.

"Even if there are only 500 potentially hazardous substances among the
thousands of chemicals already in use that lack toxicity testing data, it
would take 100 years to complete their review," says JAMA.

That sounds about as nutty as a vegan dinner.

I say forget about lawmakers when it comes to your health… You can
protect yourself from the onslaught of chemicals now, by using Daily Dose.

The secret ingredient - natural occurring curcumin rich turmeric - has been
used for thousands of years as a natural anti-inflammatory that helps
protect against cancer and the unwanted effects of aging. It helps purify
the blood, detox the liver, improve digestion. Whether you're meticulous
about keeping synthetic chemicals out of your body or not, Daily Dose will
help your body live young.

Best of all, it does NOT contain any synthetic vitamin D, calcium, vitamin
E, folic acid or beta-carotene! (Read more about why you should AVOID these
synthetic ingredients here:

Plus, you don't have to wait around for slow lawmakers to come to an
agreement…you can start protecting yourself now with Daily Dose.

Learn more at - as an added bonus, my truly natural
multi-vitamin also enhances memory and focus!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Putting your health and safety in the hands of lawmakers is like
giving your two-year-old a loaded gun to protect himself. There's a safer
way. To protect your health against synthetic chemicals and other toxins,
use my safe multivitamin Daily Dose - order at Men,
women, and children can safely use this product.