Subject: ~Another Pregnant Woman Saved from Painkillers!


A safe, unmedicated, and ENJOYABLE birth process is the right of every
woman and child.

Unfortunately, the average mom has been conned by

Like a shameless bank robber stealing from a locked vault, medicine robs
moms of the opportunity to enjoy a peaceful and rewarding birthing
process…Of course, many moms easily give it away, too.

But, there's a lot of trickery involved. Many parents have been made to
believe that loading up on prescription painkillers is the only way.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And moms are starting to learn
the facts.

"Eight weeks ago, I had my third child at home," Leelan wrote to me in an
email. "I was warned that the cramping I would experience afterwards would
be exceedingly more painful than the last two births. It was recommended
that I should stock up on painkillers."

Any time a doctor recommends a painkilling drug based on something
from the past…RUN!

Painkilling drugs are notorious for screwing up the human body and torching
health. Plus, they can outright kill people.

In fact, the FDA recently warned that popular pain relievers like aspirin,
Motrin, Aleve, and other NSAID drugs raise your risk of heart attack and
stroke by 50%. The longer you take these poor excuses for pain relief, the
more your risk increases. Duh.

Get Your Relief FX at: [ ]

Stronger prescription painkillers have also been shown to be deadly. None
of them should be given to mom or baby, outside of an emergency.

That's why responsible moms choose NOT to take drugs before their babies
are born.

"The thought of pumping ibuprofen into a newborn body via breastmilk
literally made me feel sick to my stomach," Leelan says. "I refused the
painkillers and dutifully took my Relief FX and had no issue with the
cramps or small after contractions when I started nursing."

"My baby came before the midwife actually made it, so I caught him myself
— assisted by my husband — peacefully and beautifully in the comfort of
my own home. Aside from the fact that I was listening to my body, I know
that taking Relief FX right when labor started and again about 3 hours into
labor, played a large part in how peaceful the experience was."

Relief FX is my safe, natural alternative to risky painkiller drugs. As a
chemist, I wanted it to work fast, and be non-addictive. It does just
that! Take my pain challenge and try it for yourself!

Get Your Relief FX At: [ ]

"I've given birth to three beautiful boys in the past 4 years," says
Leelan. "I had all of them naturally, and at home. When I DIDN'T take
Relief FX, I was in far more pain. So I know the comparison of having taken
Relief FX or not having take it."

When you say no to drugs, you free yourself and your family from danger.

Whereas many pregnant women seem to unconsciously accept whatever drugs a
doctor recommends…thus sabotaging their health AND their babies'
health…Leelan paves the way for a more conscientious, responsible
birthing process.

It's one thing to subject your own body to painkillers — thereby
increasing your own risk of heart attack and stroke. It's quite another
thing to irresponsibly pump your newborn baby full of these deadly drugs.

So follow Leelan's example. Ditch the painkillers.

And instead, stock up on Relief FX [ ] when you're
giving birth. (Works great for all other types of pain, too, including
menstrual cramps, back ache, headaches, muscle soreness, and more!)

"Just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your Relief FX,"
Leelan adds.

"Neither myself nor my family will ever take drugs again thanks to you."

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist