Subject: Amazing...But true.


I don't like to waste your time with emails that don't say much.
So, I'll make this quick.

But, I think you'll agree that it's worth it after you read about this surprising
and forgotten cure...It's a classic "know your history or you will repeat it,"
lesson...Which is why I'm sending it out to everyone I know (you know who
you are!:)).

Far too many people have been conditioned to think that we need
prescription drugs to heal, or live longer. We don't. Not for heart
disease, not for blood pressure, not even for Type 2 diabetes.

It sounds crazy. I know.

But I've been working as a chemist for over 20 years. During that time,
I've learned that our body has a unique relationship with select nutrients.
And when used properly, they can "cure."

The most classic example of this is the forgotten "scurvy cure."

Scurvy is a disease that causes our insides to basically fall apart. Gums
start to erode, as do the arteries...It's like a massive fire of inflammation.
It killed tens of thousands of people prematurely in our early history.

As the death toll skyrocketed, a doctor found that he could cure it with two
teaspoons of citrus juice (not vitamin C like we are told)! The citrus juice
provided a multitude of nutrients - bioflavonoids - that acted like a
fire extinguisher, putting out the inflammation. The dying body began to
repair itself!

Nobody believed that citrus juice was the cure...In fact, it was ignored for
40 years!

Now, with that in mind, is it so hard to believe that there are other cures
that are being hidden from you?

...Let me show you what you're not being told about two key nutrients that
slow the aging process and at the same time:

1. make your skin glow

2. detox your body from modern day toxins

3. ward off the top killers like Type II diabetes and even heart disease!

Heck, these two compounds are so potent and effective, they can replace
prescription drugs designed to save diabetics from high blood sugar!

Like the scurvy cure, they are damn inexpensive - like $4 per month!

...It's no wonder the drug companies hate these miracle compounds...

Watch the all new, 1-Minute video to learn how to slow the aging process:

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist