Subject: Allergies & Asthma Gone in 3 Days

Upper respiratory infections are a common reason people visit the
doctor…and thereby get scammed into taking useless meds!

Symptoms can include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, congestion, runny
nose, fever, scratchy or sore throat, and nasal breathing.

Like a clueless person handing out candy to kids on Halloween, doctors
often dispense random drugs to patients, hoping they'll work to squash the

None of these drugs do anything to address the ROOT CAUSE of these ailments
— a weakened immune system.

Tired of seeing her daughter enduring these problems, Monica wrote to me:

"Dear Shane, My daughter has suffered with asthma and upper respiratory
infections for years. Recently, she had been very sick for weeks. She tried
inhalers, nebulizers with albuterol, and every allergy pill she could take
that would not make her sleepy. I hated to see her taking these dangerous

A concerned mother, Monica took steps to educate herself on the solution.
She read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures
(, which
reveals how to strengthen the immune system naturally.

"After reading your book I was convinced your Immune FX supplement would
help her," says Monica. "Finally my daughter became so desperate, I got a
call from her asking me to order Immune FX [ ]. It's
been 3 days since she started taking the pills…and I just got a text from
her full of exclamation marks. She is 100% better!!!! The pills really
work, she texted me."

Immune FX does what no allergy drug can possibly do: It works to STRENGTHEN
your immune system from the inside out. It doesn't just "cover up" symptoms
like drugs try to do (and fail miserably).

Instead, Immune FX addresses the root cause of illness and infection.
Packed with 2 powerful ingredients — andrographis paniculata and
coriander — this supplement ramps up your immune system's natural, inborn
ability to fight off illness and infection.

It's not a drug. It's a supplement with ingredients that come directly from
Mother Nature. Immune FX works to curb conditions in which the immune
system seems to be "confused" about what is "self" and what is a foreign
invader inside the body.

In the case of asthma, a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the
airways, inflammation makes the airways swollen and very sensitive.
So-called experts say there's no cure for asthma and the disease and "can
flare up at any time"…basically making you a victim and putting you at
the mercy of random, unknown factors.

…But this is bullshit.

The body is designed to heal itself, when given the proper fuel and
nutrients. It's that simple.

Immune FX helps you TAKE CHARGE of your health — including asthma,
allergies, and infections — by building up your immune system's power.

Order and see for yourself.

"I am so happy and I want to thank you for all the hard work and passion
you put into everything you do," says Monica.

Her daughter is now "100% better," thanks to Immune FX…after YEARS of

Goes to show that when you give the immune system what it needs to thrive,
the battle is 90% won. After all — your immune system essentially
"decides" whether or not you're sick or expressing symptoms in the first

Don't be a victim of random factors…Take charge of your own life and
health. Free yourself from annoying symptoms that hold you back.

If you suffer from asthma, allergies, respiratory infections or any other
illness, try Immune FX and let me know the results!

Order here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. To learn more about the immune system's amazing ability to protect the
body from threats, see Chapter 6 of Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded
Edition ( -
especially the section called "The Forgotten Wonders of the Immune System"!
Even if you don't use Immune FX, you can still use basic nutrition to
bolster the "fire wall" of your body (AKA your immune system)! It's all
outlined in my book.



Asthma — Smother love. Inability to breathe for one's self. Feeling
stifled. Suppressed crying.

It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. I choose to be free.

Respiratory ailments (see Bronchitis, colds, coughs, influenza) — Fear of
taking in life fully.
I am safe. I love my life.