Subject: All New Secret Health Files - Unbelievable!


  August 31, 2010

  From The Desk of The People's Chemist

  That's me flying my vintage Mooney M20C across the country this summer. It was an experience of a lifetime, something I strived to achieve over many years. And it required having the right education. Standing next to me is renowned stunt pilot, Chuck Stockdale, who graciously taught me what I needed to know to navigate the sky.

The same is true for navigating the myriad of health claims on the Internet - You need the right teacher. That's why I'm proud to introduce my all new, SECRET HEALTH FILES!

Learn more below, and please understand that the offer is only for a limited time. I want everyone to have an opportunity for this. Once you read about it, you'll understand why.


ALL NEW! Discover The Shocking Life-Extension Cancer Confession Your Doctor Has Never Heard Of and Big Pharma Thinks “You’re Not Smart Enough to Understand!”

Did you know that the drug industry uses Mother Nature to design synthetic counterfeits? In fact, "69% of anticancer drugs approved between 1940 and 2002 are either natural products or developed based on knowledge gained from natural products," noted Cancer Treatment Reviews. Let me show you how to get it for pennies on the chemo dollar!

Discover the New Cures to Help You Live Longer, Better…

Chemist Might use Profanity, But With This much Dirt on Big Pharma and Natural Cure Gurus, Who Wouldn’t?

Read on to discover:

How The Wrong Calorie Can Kill You

How To Defy Aging DNA The Easy Way: Add 10 Years To Your Life

How To Obtain Digestive Health On A Dollar Budget

The Healing Secrets Of The Inca: Beat Malaria, Soothe Pain, Get Your Libido Back

How resveratrol, folic acid or vitamin D might be killing you

Cholesterol – What They Are Not Telling You

Four Ways To Reduce Inflammation And C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Without Crestor

The Athletes Deadly Mistake: Avoid This To Enhance Performance And Smother Age Accelerating Free Radicals …And lots more!


Read the Secret Health files FACT SHEET before it gets hacked and removed (it’s happened to me several times) at:

Never Stop Living Young!

The People's Chemist