Subject: [Alert] What You Don’t Know About Diet Soda!

I'm proud to say I've never had a diet soda in my life...

Not because I'm a health saint.

But because they always smelled horrible to me.

It was probably the artificial sweeteners.

A recent study showed, "Stroke and dementia are two side effects
facing diet coke drinkers..."

Their findings were based off an analysis of over 4,000 participants in the
Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort:

"In the observational study, those who drank at least one artificially-sweetened
beverage a day were nearly three times more likely to develop ischemic
stroke and 2.9 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's disease over 10
years than those who abstained, Matthew Pase, PhD, of Boston University
School of Medicine, and colleagues reported in the American Heart
Association's journal Stroke."

THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to develop a stroke?!

…and 2.9 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's?!

If you're a soda fan and give a sh#t about your health, you may want
to switch to the natural soda Zevia...

Just saying.

Artificial (i.e., fake) sweeteners include Splenda, Sweet ‘N Low,
Aspartame, Equal, Nutrasweet, Sucralose, and others. They're the ugly
offspring of beverage makers.

Let's take Diet Pepsi, for example.

According to Pepsi's website, the ingredients are: "CARBONATED WATER,

Consider all of the above brain poison...

"Now Aspartame Free," the can claims.


But that's how gullible people are...

Meanwhile, this toxic sludge is marketed with the following language:

"With its light, crisp taste, Diet Pepsi gives you all the refreshment you need -
with zero sugar, zero calories and zero carbs. Light. Crisp. Refreshing.
Diet Pepsi. Nothing refreshes like a Diet Pepsi."


Sucralose is the main culprit on that list of ingredients.
It's an artificial sweetener that destroys the body. Also known as Splenda,
its side effects are:

- Reduce Good Gut Bacteria
- Release Toxins
- Seizures, Dizziness, and Migraines
- Blurred Vision
- Allergic Reactions
- Blood Sugar Increases and Weight Gain

…They find this "refreshing"? For real??

Sucralose is a drug. This chemical is 600 times sweeter than sugar.

Another study, published in Alzheimer's & Dementia, found that "higher
consumption of both sugary and diet beverages was associated with smaller
brain volumes, a marker of accelerated brain aging."

"Also using data from the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort, this
study found that people who more frequently consumed sugary beverages,
including sodas and fruit juices, were more likely to have poorer memory,
smaller overall brain volumes, and smaller hippocampal volumes."

So it doesn't matter if it's a "diet" or regular soda.

The shit's poison either way.

That goes for Sprite, Root Beer, Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, and
the whatever the fuck else they're selling these days… "diet" or regular.

"Both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened soft drinks may be hard on
the brain," says Ralph Sacco, MD, of the University of Miami Miller School
of Medicine.


Save your brain. Chuck the worthless sodas — including diet sodas — in
the trash.

(Note: STEVIA is the only safe, natural, non-artificial sweetener. My
favorite natural soda is Zevia, flavored with stevia. It will NOT harm your
brain or cause stroke. And it's safe for kids to drink, too.)

For added protection — and to save your brain, your memory, and your
ability to think clearly — supplement with Cinnergy (,
a botanical blend of milk thistle and cinnamon.

Both ingredients in Cinnergy force your body to rid itself of excess sugar, while
shutting down cravings for it.

For daily protection of your mental faculties and memory, start taking
Daily Dose (, rich in boswellic acids.

Researched for decades, boswellic acid has proven to be nature's most
potent memory booster. It increases the brain's ability to think, store
information, and react faster.

It's a must-have for brain fuel!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Researchers admitted that "the association between artificially
sweetened drinks and stroke and dementia seen in their study does not imply
causation." True, association does not imply causation. However, plenty of
other studies have shown that artificial sweeteners do, indeed, cause
damage to the brain and body. They're outright carcinogenic — meaning
they cause cancer, and more.

Save your brain. Ditch the diet sodas.

Use to preserve your memory and clear thinking. (It's
the safest, most effective multivitamin on the planet!)

If sugar is attacking your insides, add to your daily

P.P.S. Don't forget to download my FREE 18-Minute Workout App!!!!
Download on your phone at your App store! (Any phone can download it!)