Subject: ~Alert: Popular Antibiotic Linked to Heart Problems


Zithromax (commonly known as Z-Pak) is an antibiotic medication used to
treat a number of bacterial infections, including bronchitis, pneumonia,
and infections of the ears, lungs and other organs.

Unfortunately, this drug has been linked to an increased risk of fatal
heart problems…

In March 2013, the FDA warned the public that Zithromax has fatal
heart-related risks, thanks to a study that was published in 2012 by the
New England Journal of Medicine.

Yet, ever since, Zithromax has been extremely profitable for its
manufacturer, Pfizer…the company simply didn’t warn patients of its

So in other words, taking Z-Pak to get rid of an infection can end up
shutting down your heart and killing you…

According to one user who wrote to me, Z-Pak didn’t even help get rid of
her pneumonia…so what the hell is the point in taking it at all?!?

This mirrors many other people’s experience according to the clinical

“In October, I had pneumonia while traveling in California,” says Dawn
V. “I was given a Z-Pak but never fully recovered.”

“After several weeks of fighting colds/flu etc., I decided it was time to
try your Immune FX ( After one day, I’m already
breathing and feeling better.”

Unlike drugs that destroy the body, Immune FX works to safely bolster your
immune system. (For the dummies out there, that means: If you’re sick,
it’ll help you get better faster.)

And if you’re NOT sick, Immune FX will help you stay 100% healthy even
when everyone around you is sick. (

As Dawn V. said, Immune FX helped her quickly get over pneumonia…while
the Z-Pak failed miserably.

“I’ll keep you posted!!” she writes. “Thanks for giving us choices.
I share your information with everyone and wanted you to know you’re
appreciated!! I’ve been taking many of your products for a couple of
years now and have avoided diabetes and cholesterol medications, too.”

Immune FX is the supplement to take if your goal is to live young, avoid
getting sick, and avoid taking DRUGS at all costs.

By taking it, you give your immune system what it needs to fight back
quickly…and you’ll find illness vanishing without any side effects.
Best of all, Immune FX is NOT linked to fatal heart problems…like the

Another user, Elizabeth M., wrote in: “While taking Immune FX, my sinus
infection cleared up within 4 days with no side effects! ?”

That’s the power of arming your immune system with natural ingredients it
needs to stay strong!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. For godsake, don’t use Z-Pak to fight infections…as this drug has
been linked to fatal heart problems! There’s a smarter way to conquer
illness and it’s called Immune FX. This safe, natural supplement arms
your immune system to fight illness naturally. Stock up on Immune FX this
winter, so you can stay protected against biological nasties.
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