Subject: [Alert] Health Insurance Against Memory Loss!


Type II diabetes doesn't just cause heart disease and obesity.

It flat out SHOPLIFTS your memory.

A new Reuters article says people with Type II diabetes are at higher risk
for getting dementia, according to Australian researchers.

Dementia is practically the worst thing that can happen to you…It's
a cluster of the worst symptoms imaginable.

Those who have it lose their memory. Their personality changes. Their
reasoning becomes impaired. And they don’t recognize important people in
their life anymore. Grandkids and children can become complete strangers.

Rachel R. Huxley of Curtin University in Perth, Australia, says the most
common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, which is non-vascular
(meaning it’s NOT related to issues with the blood vessels).

“In Alzheimer’s disease, nerve cells throughout the brain die off, and
abnormal proteins accumulate in the brain for reasons not entirely known.
Vascular dementia, in contrast, is the result of impaired blood flow to the
brain, usually by a series of small, imperceptible strokes.”

Researchers are trying to figure out how sugar plays a role in all of this
…but my 10-year-old son could tell you the quick answer: “Sugar
is poison. If it tastes sweet, spit it out.”

Sugar causes a huge spike in glucose and insulin. In the brain, this is
termed Type III diabetes. Both cause brain cells to become shellacked
in grimy, sticky proteins that cloud and steal memory.

Sadly, most people won’t ever give up their sugar. It’s an attachment
that can bring a death sentence…but not before stealing their memory.

Hence they’ll get fat…likely get diabetes…probably get dementia…and
then the unimaginable can set in. Names get forgotten. Life evaporates.

If you want to protect yourself from this madness, use my highly potent,
natural supplement Cinnergy [ ]. Cinnergy and its
active ingredient, cinnamon can end this cycle of craziness!

It’s been proven.

Researchers at The University of California, Santa Barbara, found that
cinnamon attacks the mind-numbing plaque that leads to Alzheimer’s
disease. They discovered that when taken orally, it scrapes brain cells
clean of the gelatinous, protein fibers that gunk-up our neurons and rob
the mind of life’s most precious memories.

I've also watched for 10 years as friends, family and fans have
used Cinnergy to reverse Type II diabetes forever! That means
no more obesity, depression, lethargy, high blood sugar and
insulin, no out of control A1C and no more prescription pills!

So cinnamon is handy to have, if you want to protect your brain!

Stock up at

Unfortunately, most cinnamon products on the market are adulterated with
toxic substances like chromium picolinate, processed soy oils, titanium
dioxides, and sodium lauryl sulfates… thereby defeating their purpose.

Not Cinnergy.

I formulated this product to contain ZERO toxic substances.

It’s just pure whole herb, organic cinnamon (plus milk thistle!) — no
weak, isolated extracts. And I used my laboratory skills to make it 4
times more powerful than other cinnamon products.

Plus, it doesn't have any coumarin, which a very small percentage of people
are sensitive to.

That’s right, NO COUMARIN TO FEAR! Just health to gain.

It’s not magic, folks. It’s chemistry.

Cinnergy is your #1 protection against diabetes and memory loss.

Click to order and stock up now!

Plus, Cinnergy DELETES sugar cravings from your body. In other words, you
won’t want sugar anymore… you’ll stop overeating… and your body
will start to burn fat naturally. I believe they call this a “positive
upward spiral.”

By law of cause and effect, your body will therefore be PROTECTED from Type
II diabetes and from mind-numbing dementia.

How’s that for mental health insurance?

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Like a kleptomaniac, type II diabetes STEALS your memory (in the form
of dementia), and then it kills you. Fight back. Use Cinnergy to protect
yourself against Type II diabetes. It also eliminates sugar cravings and
gets your metabolism back on track for fat-burning! Order now: