On January 8, 2003, Air Midwest Flight 5481 (operating as US Airways Express) crashed in Charlotte, North Carolina, less than a minute after takeoff.
All twenty-one people on board were killed.
And for what?
The plane took off with its nose too far up. The two pilots fought to wrestle it to a level attitude, but the plane ultimately stalled.
The culprit in this tragic accident?…America's ever-expanding waistline.
With decimal-point precision, the crew had checked the aircraft's weight and balance before takeoff. Unfortunately, the FAA-approved averages used had not been adjusted for the increased body weight that's crept up on passengers over time.
Today, American fight passengers are ten pounds heavier, on average, than a decade ago. Adults are choking down 500 more calories daily, compared to the 1970s. The average child consumes 350 more calories daily.
Normal weight among forty-year-olds has increased by 26 pounds!
Overloaded by more than 500 pounds, the Air Midwest Flight flight was doomed before it taxied away from the gate. To compensate for heavier travelers, airlines today carry less fuel and have fewer seats, as passengers scramble to find a cure for their expanding jean sizes.
Medical professionals are trying to blame our increasing waistlines on "poor thyroid function." To remedy it, they're prescribing drugs like Synthroid and Armour Thyroid in record numbers.
…But these meds have not made a dent in our waist size. Fat gain still soars.
This suggests two things. Drugs aren't the answer, and poor thyroid function can't be the only problem.
The invisible world of CHEMISTRY tells a different story as to why Americans keep gaining weight. It shines a light on the real problem — addictive flavor mimics engineered by Big Pharma.
I call them "pharma foods." They're designed to encourage junk food consumption and increase profits. (And it's working — just look at how much soda Americans drink now. The average consumption of soda has doubled since 1985. The average person now drinks 24 gallons every year. Sodas are chock full of addictive flavor mimics.)
The chemicalization of our food is causing people to eat more and die sooner. And the alarm needs to be sounded!
It's not poor thyroid function that's to blame — it's that fact that Americans are stuffing their faces full of Pharma foods on a daily basis (i.e., foods packed with chemicals, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and genetically engineered crap).
To begin the process of fixing your hormones in 30 days or less, start Hormone Intelligence Therapy!
What started out as an artificial flavoring industry has morphed into a designer drug industry disguised as a flavoring industry for Big Food.
These new "pharma foods" — high fructose corn syrup, MSG, sucralose, aspartame, and many others — have thrown thyroid function off-kilter. But that's just the start.
An array of hormones that work in orchestra-like unison to regulate body weight, muscle growth, appetite, and even mood are thrown out of whack by food additives.
Unbelievably, this threat is hidden by Big Food's use of "healthy" marketing labels with buzzwords like "fortified," "enriched," "natural," natural flavors," "gluten-free," and even "organic." These labels have tricked health-conscious consumers into eating pharma foods.
Meanwhile, Big Food continues to blame salt, fat, and sugar as a cover for the real problem — chemicalization.
Once consumers are hooked on the corporate leviathan's pharma-food, a lifetime of chemical-induced obesity and overeating awaits.
That's why exercise, diet, thyroid meds, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) aren't saving people. They don't fix the real problem of chemical additives and poor hormone output, balance, and sensitivity.
To fix your weight problem, you need to STOP EATING PHARMA FOODS.
You also need to get your hormones back into balance BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!
REPAIR YOUR HORMONES! Click here to start Hormone Intelligence Therapy!
Thousands of TPC fans have demolished unwanted body fat by ditching the pharma-foods, and by getting their hormones back on track.
Now you can do the same.
You can't be healthy and obese at the same time...
A large European study found that young men who were overweight at age eighteen were just as likely to die young as light smokers. It also showed that obese teens, like heavy smokers, were at double the risk of dying early.
If you're ready to ditch the excess weight and start living young, then get started with Hormone Intelligence Therapy!
Dare to live young,
The People's Chemist
P.S. Thanks to "pharma foods," many consumers' wallets, willpower, and health don't stand a chance against chemicalization and subsequent early loss of life. This trend of OBESITY needs to stop. You can save yourself by ditching the pharma foods… and getting your hormones back on track.