Subject: ~Again, Lowering Cholesterol Doesn't Work!

Yet another study shows that cholesterol-lowering drugs are nothing more
than a fraudulent scheme to hook people on dangerous meds, for life.

“Dashing Hopes, Study Shows a Cholesterol Drug Had No Effect on Heart
Health,” reads The New York Times article.

Haha! So True!

Usually the NY Times is nothing more than a front for Big Pharma. Rarely do
they report any real news…they merely act as puppets, pumping articles
that position deadly drugs as “godsends.”

(Just doing their jobs as docile reporters!)

Yet in April 2016 an article exposed drug maker Eli Lilly (my former
employer) as producing a useless cholesterol drug.

Go figure!

“Heart experts had high hopes for [cholesterol drug, evacetrapib] as an
alternative for the many patients who cannot or will not take statins,”
says the article. “But these specialists were stunned by the results of a
study of 12,000 patients, announced on Sunday at the American College of
Cardiology’s annual meeting: There was no benefit from taking the

Read that again: “There was no benefit from taking the drug.”

No shit.

That’s because high cholesterol is not a real disease...population
studies show that the higher the cholesterol, the longer we live and

Despite participants experiencing a 37% drop in LDL levels, this is what

- There was no reduction in heart attack or stroke.

Can we turn this into a Netflix documentary?

Conned and Killed: The Cholesterol Lie.

The real kicker comes from Dr. Stephen J. Nicholls — the study’s
principal investigator and the deputy director of the South Australian
Health and Medical Research Institute in Adelaide. “We seemed to do all
the right things. It’s the most mind-boggling question. How can a drug
that lowers something that is associated with benefit not show any
benefit?” he asked.

I’ll be happy to answer that, “Dr” Nicholls...high cholesterol is NOT a real
disease. Give it up!!!!!!


High cholesterol is a well crafted ploy to sell drugs. Therefore, "curing" it
has no benefit.

As I wrote in my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
[], the REAL way to avoid heart disease is to get off
your drugs and let your cholesterol rise to where it belongs — which is
usually far above 200. And when it does rise, don’t freak out. You’re
not sick.

To reiterate, studies show that the HIGHER our cholesterol, the longer we
live! It’s all explained in Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded
Edition [].

Evacetrapib isn’t the only cholesterol drug out there that has “no
effect on heart health” whatsoever. There are many others. Avoid them at
all costs.

“Two other drugs in the same class as evacetrapib, known as CETP
inhibitors, have also failed: One, which lowered LDL levels by only 20
percent, had toxic side effects. The other raised HDL levels but did not
lower LDL levels at all. Cardiologists thought evacetrapib, a safe and
potent drug, would be different,” says NY Times.

Pretty obvious learning lesson here: stay far away from cholesterol
lowering drugs.

For REAL heart protection, turn to Mother Nature. She offers safe and
effective ingredients with zero side effects. Learn more by reading my
book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Rarely, if ever, is there a benefit for taking ANY prescription
drug…unless you’re facing a life-threatening emergency for which there
are no other options available. Otherwise, you can bet your @ss most drugs
are absolutely worthless. That includes cholesterol drugs! Get
informed…read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
[] and save your own life.