Subject: Achieving Peak Performance at Gym and in Life!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Fireman Shows How To End Nagging Joint Pain And Achieve Peak Performance At Work And Life

Sometimes even the biggest bad asses suffer from joint pain.

Meet Vinny.

He’s a 38-year-old volunteer firefighter who loves doing intense workouts. When he’s not busy hauling 80 pounds of fire-fighting equipment up 12 stories in high-rise buildings, Vinny can be found weightlifting. 

He alternates between working different muscle groups like his back, biceps, legs (hamstrings, glutes, and quads), chest, shoulder, and triceps.

Vinny is far more extreme than he needs to be...But, he loves it.  His body, though, is not, so much....

“I work out EVERY DAY,” he says. “I literally enjoy it when my body is being pushed physically. It’s become a part of my day – like taking a shower in the morning. Whether I'm vacationing on a cruise ship, or traveling for work, I always find a time and a way to get in an intensive workout in the morning.”

Vinny’s love for exercise was born out of his desire to lose weight. Six years ago, weighing in at 290 lbs, Vinny decided to make some changes and work his ass off at the gym - as a last ditch effort to save his own life.


But there was just one problem…His joints began to fall apart.

Joint Pain Robbed Him of the Ability to Go “All Out” on His Workouts

“My left knee is always tender and somewhat painful,” Vinny says.

“Also, my muscles experience soreness more days than others, depending on my workout.”

As a firefighter and exercise addict, not much could soothe Vinny’s joint pain.

Glucosamine HCl and Chondroitin will Rob You

In an an all out effort to eliminate pain, he tried a popular joint supplement that was supposed to renew cartilage and lubricate joints. (I’ll be nice – I won’t mention the name of the product.) 

He took that supplement for 8 months, thinking it would help.

“To be honest, it has done NOTHING for me,” he says. “I kept taking it in hopes that it would, but the pain in my knee wouldn’t go away.”

...That’s 8 months of wasted time, effort and money.  Sadly, it represents the norm for people who try lame products made from chondroitin and glucosamine HCl. 

Fortunately, there’s one supplement on the market that actually works. Vinny discovered he could use it to continue exercising without feeling any joint pain.

Meet Joint FX.

As a chemist dedicated to safe, simple solutions, I designed Joint FX as an alternative to Tylenol, Ibuprofen and the silly, natural supplements hyped to heal...If it wasn’t going to be the best on the market, I would have never made it available.  

Vinny learned this first hand!

Joint FX Transforms Another Victim of Joint Pain into a Happy, Pain-Free Bad Ass 

“After learning from Shane that most joint pain supplements contain junk like Glucosamine HCl, I decided to try Joint FX – because it doesn’t contain any HCl. I thought I’d give JointFX a try for the discomfort and pain I was experiencing in my knees when I swim and run,” says Vinny.

“I’ve taken 4 capsules a day, for 3 days, and I cannot believe how great I feel. It’s been less than a week, and I’m pain-free during my workouts. I plan to stay at this dosage for 4 weeks, then cut the dosage in half to 2 capsules a day.”

Being pain-free fits in nicely with Vinny’s desire to stay young and healthy for as long as possible.

I commend him for being one of many to make the decision to be pain-free.

Additionally, I know he loves the gym and being active...But, taking some rest days will further help his joints - and healthy hormones - heal even faster!

Now You Have ZERO Excuses for Tolerating Joint Pain 

Are you in pain all the time?

Joints ache and rob you of quality of life?

Then stop bitching and do something about it! Order Joint FX and make pain a thing of the past.

Let’s face it, no one wants to feel joint pain while they’re working out – let alone putting out a fire.

Joint FX is your best ally in making pain vanish. It gets to the source of the problem by gradually rebuilding cartilage in your knees, shoulders, wrists, and hips. While it’s busy replenishing your cartilage, Joint FX soothes the nerves to eliminate pain.

Get Yourself Pain-Free 

If you’re ready to forget that your pain ever existed, place your order for Joint FX now. Start taking it regularly. Then you can join the ranks of other “bad asses” like Vinny who decided to beat pain.  


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at