Subject: ~About your hormones!


Let's talk about hormones before we screw them up over
the holiday season.

Understanding how your hormones work is the single
most important thing for living young, period.

Far too many people are chasing after thyroid meds and
bioidentical hormones to gain an edge on aging.

It won't work.

Bioidentical hormones can be very beneficial for women who have had
hysterectomies. They have provided huge relief to those who would have
otherwise been forced to risk the more dangerous Hormone Replacement
Therapy (HRT). When used by this select population, under the careful
guidance of a health professional who uses blood tests to gauge and monitor
their safety and effectiveness, bioidentical hormones can provide a quality
of life that would not be available, otherwise.

But for others, it’s a shot in the dark. That’s because “bioidenticals” are not
really bioidentical.

The term “bioidentical” is used to describe lab-created hormones
known as estradiol, estrone, estriol (sometimes simply referred to as
“estrogen”), progesterone, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA). While they are similar to our own hormones and share the same
name, they are NOT “identical” as has been claimed. The atoms that
make up their structure – like the bricks of a home – are different than the
atoms used by the body to produce them. This fact is all over the chemistry

This seemingly small molecular difference between “bioidenticals” and
those produced by the body can make for big side effects. But hormone
patients and athletes are unaware. Via the marketing ploys of “kick
starting your metabolism” and “slowing down the hands of time,” the
use of bioidentical hormones has spread widely into the aging and obese
populations who show low hormone production.

Admittedly, many users of bioidentical hormones report increased energy and
alertness. But outside of their use for women who have had a hysterectomy,
those who swear by the benefits of these chemicals are little different
from a bodybuilder who swears by the use of steroids. Like many drug
cocktails, bioidenticals can make people feel good. But their benefits can
be short term and there are risks.

Unlike biologically produced hormones, bioidenticals not only desensitize
our hormone receptors, they also bypass full processing in the liver. This
causes the counterfeits to slowly build up, or bioaccumulate, in the body.
As saturation continues, every “small” dose becomes a larger one in
time and our tissues become overwhelmed. This alters our internal hormone

Like the wrong key being jammed into a lock, the body becomes severed
from its natural hormonal output, balance and sensitivity. A slew of
dangerous outcomes are possible, as shown by studies on the use of
bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Too much estrogen puts thyroid cells into overdrive and raises the risk of
cancer by igniting uncontrolled cell growth. Scientists writing for the
Journal of Thyroid Research wrote that, “Carcinomas of the thyroid are
three-times more frequent in women than in men, and the peak rates occur
earlier in women. These epidemiological data suggest a role of estrogen in
the pathogenesis of thyroid diseases.”

Adding to the risk, uterine cancer is also cropping up among those with
high estrogen. Over time, the accumulation causes thickening of the uterine
wall, which strips cells of their innate ability to slough off and make way
for new ones. As the aging uterine cells stack up, they begin to decay, yet
continually replicate, giving rise to uncontrolled growth – cancer. To
offset the cancer risk, many physicians prescribe bioidentical progesterone,
which brings yet more risk!

Bioidentical progesterone is a popular drug among menopausal women who are
diagnosed with estrogen dominance – either as a result of increased
estrogen levels or low progesterone output. But women who opt for the
progesterone supplement face an increased risk of fat gain, muscle wasting
and other risks over time.

Progesterone is primarily a pregnancy hormone. During the third trimester,
levels are at their peak. In fact, progesterone can be 10 to 50 times
higher at this time than it would be for the average non-pregnant woman
(50–200 ng/ml versus 1–28 ng/ml on average). This is conducive to
pregnancy because it forces the body to carry more fat calories (energy)
for baby and mom.

The mechanism by which progesterone shifts a mom’s metabolism to favor
pregnancy is fascinating, because it highlights nature’s innate ability
to accommodate the birthing process and also serves as warning to potential
bioidentical users.

Like a blanket of smog over a city, progesterone covers insulin receptors –
causing “insulin resistance.” This happens as a means of activating energy
storage, in the form of weight gain, and is later used for development and birthing.

Once mom has the baby, progesterone levels plummet and the insulin
resistance is cured. (Assuming mom follows proper lifestyle habits.)
Bioidentical patients aren’t that lucky.

Artificial progesterone “bioaccumulates.” That means the longer
patients take it, the more they have in the body. Even the smallest doses
can become very large ones over time. And just like in pregnancy, the
excess progesterone fills the bloodstream, covers insulin receptors, and
causes the pre-diabetic symptoms of severe weight gain and all the
complications that come from it (including depression, lack of energy and
an increased risk for heart disease and cancer).

The great news is that your body is pre-programmed for optimal health. You
are designed to be lean and strong. And you are built to be active, well
into your later years.

The problem for most of us is that the habits we have fallen into – what
we eat and how we exercise (or don’t exercise) – have radically disrupted
our hormonal systems. As a result, we are suffering from what I call, “hormonal ignorance.”

The modern day plague of hormonal ignorance is marked by three biological

1. Poor Hormone Output
2. Poor Hormone Balance
3. Poor Hormone Sensitivity

At first, victims of hormonal ignorance experience poor energy, depression,
and a lack of sexual potency and desire. Over time, it can even change your
physical appearance, resulting in accelerated aging, wrinkles and poor
complexion. Ultimately, the most serious long-term manifestations of
hormonal ignorance are Type II diabetes, heart disease, cancer and almost
every other chronic disease known to man.

And of course, hormonal ignorance can also earn you a guaranteed place in
the “Fat Cow Hall of Fame,” as it did me...

When your body is hormonally ignorant your appetite rages, causing you to
keep eating when you should feel satisfied. You face undeniable cravings,
despite your best efforts to ignore them. Your body also becomes programmed
to store fat instead of burning it.

As the years go by, the weight continues to accumulate and losing it
becomes virtually impossible.

When hormonal ignorance reigns, a total lack of harmony sets in. Life-
sustaining testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones, human growth hormone
(hGH), leptin, ghrelin, amylin, cholescystokinin, glucagon, insulin and so
many others cease to function properly.

There is no drug that will save you from the modern affliction of hormonal
ignorance. Not even the highly touted Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Therapy (BHRT) can increase your body’s own hormone output. Nor can they
restore your hormone balance or “re-sensitize” you to your “God-given
hormones” that restore health and youthful vigor.

But that doesn’t mean there is no solution, can control
your hormonal state.

Just like winds direct the movement of clouds, hormones direct biological
actions in your body. They are messenger molecules that send a myriad of
bio-chemical signals, which control and stimulate a fleet of enzymes,
neurotransmitters and other compounds.

Your hormones help to orchestrate your breathing rate, heartbeat, oxygen
delivery, cellular water balance, caloric intake and even your emotions.
They can also turn on life-enhancing genes while turning the deadly ones
off. And they also play a huge role when it comes to your body composition.
Your hormones help regulate your metabolism, they stimulate or relieve your
hunger, they regulate your blood sugar... and they control whether you
store fat or burn it, and build muscle.

When your body has “hormone intelligence,” it means that you are
producing just the right amounts of each hormone and that these hormones
are perfectly balanced in relation to one another. It also means that your
body is highly sensitive to the effects of the hormones you produce.
This is an incredibly delicate and complex process, but it’s surprisingly
easy to control. And you don’t have to know anything about how it works.
But, you do need to know that hormone intelligence is your body’s natural
state of balance and equilibrium. That means you will innately gravitate
toward this set point, if you just get out of the way and start working
with your body, instead of against it.

The “intelligence” that plants use to capture sunlight or take up
nutrients from the soil and convert these things into energy for growth is
the same intelligence your body uses to heal itself naturally and preserve
a healthy physique. It is perfectly natural and happens without you even
having to think about it.

The key is to master a few critical hormones like insulin, glucagon,
estrogen and testosterone through my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT)
program, outlined in this book. Once you control these key hormones as a
HIT Man or HIT Woman, your entire hormonal chain of command – like an
orchestra playing in perfect unison – will be in your hands.

You will be able to harness your own internal pharmacy to produce weapons
of fat destruction and optimal genetic expression!

By re-programming your hormonal chemistry, you can easily transform your
body into a perpetual fat-burning, muscle building machine and reclaim your
youthful fitness and vitality.

The Changes You Seek Can Happen Faster than You Imagine
It doesn’t matter how old or out of shape you might be at the moment. You
can still have the body you used to have... or the body you always wished
you had. And the changes can begin within days!

Based on my own results and those of thousands of clients over the years,
here’s just part of what you are going to accomplish as you follow the

Hormone Intelligence Therapy Breakthrough:

• Lean, sexy muscle will begin to emerge as your body begins to melt fat
and turn it into energy
• Your blood pressure and resting heart rate will move toward optimal
levels, while your heart and lungs will grow more powerful
• Any puffiness in your face will begin to disappear, your skin and eyes
will glow and your complexion will improve
• Your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer will be reduced
• Your immune system will become stronger and more resistant
• You will feel less stress and anxiety and a greater sense of energy and
• Your sleep will improve and you will notice greater physical and mental
• Your appetite will be more balanced and between-meal cravings will
• Prostate health will be at its best
• You will stop being plagued by cravings
• You will notice greater sexual desire and potency... and much more!
• You will stop eating so fucking much... and much more!

Start my 90 day program for just a few dollars per day at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Over the holiday season, the best way to avoid side effects of indulging
in excess food and alcohol is to stick to 3 meals per day. Avoid snacking
all together and limit sugar consumption to desert. Want to protect the
liver, big time!?? Use milk thistle morning and night! Stock up at: