Subject: ~About this natural sleep pill!


I've been getting bombarded with emails today about my
natural sleep pill,

Those who have used it are emailing in to say that they concur with
the focus and energy they feel upon waking up.

Others are asking how it works so well...

It's actually pretty simple: Hormones.

Your body requires certain sleep hormones to activate deep REM
sleep. It can only get these if it has certain building blocks.

Just like you can't build a house of cards without cards, you can't
obtain sleep hormones without building blocks - precursors.

Most people aren't getting these precursors because they're loaded
up on sugar, artificial flavors and synthetic caffeine derived from energy
drinks and, non-organic, whatever, they all have crappy,
synthetic caffeine...

And, just like sugar wipes your body clean of fat burning hormones, so
too does it clear out sleep hormones.

Simple fix:

Serotonin FX causes a rush of precursors that act as the definitive building
blocks for sleep hormones. It's brimming with valerian (that's where
the smell comes from) and L-tryptophan.

It's insanely effective.

Too few people know about this simple and natural sleep aid.

Therefore, they choke down sleep meds.

Not smart.

Sleep meds do more harm than good. And rarely work.

MedPage Today, a medical doctors online bible for drug info, wrote, that
"older adults were more than twice as likely to suffer an adverse event as
they were to experienced improved sleep, reported Usoa E. Busto,
Pharm. D., of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health here in a
study published online in the British Medical Journal."

Lets not forget the damage to kidneys and liver caused by sleep meds.

None of this occurs when you use

I've been using it for 15 years!

Do I take it every night? No. I don't need to. I could, it's that safe.

But, I only take it if I can't sleep, like after a Slipknot concert (last
Saturday), a long, exciting flight down the Baja, a grappling
tournament....And, without fail, I'm drowsy in an hour.

I'd NEVER use a pharmaceutical crutch to sleep! Ever!

As a chemist, drugs were and always have been for sick people.
Not people who can't sleep.

You will NEVER be on top of your game with sleep pills. Impossible.

Take a sleep pill and you have an instant handicap the next morning.
You're a sick person. Sick people never get ahead.

Instead, take to stay on your game and
sleep like a drunken bum, naturally!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S 3-Packs are 15% off today at