Subject: ATTN: Men! Avoid This Med! (WAKE-UP!)

From Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, M.S.

- Bachelor’s degree in biology
- Master’s degree in organic chemistry
- Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
- Helps people ditch their meds to live young
- Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

Men…pay attention!

Everywhere you turn, there’s a med that can wipe out your manhood.

Enter Finasteride…

It’s supposed to cure baldness.

But it ruins men’s lives.

Just look at the side effects… lists them as:

- impotence
- loss of interest in sex
- trouble having an orgasm
- abnormal ejaculation
- swelling in your hands or feet
- swelling or tenderness in your breasts
- dizziness
- weakness
- feeling like you might pass out
- headache
- runny nose
- skin rash

Finasteride is pushed by three startup brands… Hims, Keeps, and Roman. They’re marketed as "health companies." But they’re just Big Pharma with cute names.

The Wall Street Journal said they "talked in refreshingly frank, even witty ways about their products’ potential to help men counteract hair loss."

…Yet there was not any mention of any bad side effects in WSJ’s article.

When a "news" site praises a's known as pharmaceutical fellatio.

Men have reported MANY side effects as a result of taking the med, finasteride. They get depressed. Their life begins to suck. They feel suicidal.

These are YOUNG men we’re talking about!

But it can affect any age…

It’s called post-finasteride syndrome (PFS).

PFS is "all the bad side effects you can get after you take finasteride."

There’s a foundation dedicated to educating men about the dangers of this med. It’s called PFS Foundation (Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation).

They wrote a piece for the Wall Street Journal…and called out the journalist who "reported" on finasteride, making it seem like a wonderful med!

They pointed out that this "news" piece left out the fact that men suffer awful side effects from the drug.

"Desperately seeking help and often suicidal, they complain of sexual dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction and a host of other persistent side effects that define PFS, to say nothing of their decimated social lives and crumbling economic straights."

So let me get this straight…

Finasteride "cures" baldness…yet it causes all these other problems?!

How is that a "cure"?

This is a case where the "solution" is worse than the "problem."

Another side effect of finasteride is having to get up at night to use the bathroom.

…That’s because it destroys the prostate!

Worse…family doctors and urologists are passing out Finasteride prescriptions like candy.

They act like it’s their "go-to" first line of defense for an enlarged prostate.

Come on, guys.

That is abuse.

It’s abuse of patients…and it’s an abuse of men and their manhood.

Plus it’s flat out stupid.

Why are doctors prescribing a med for baldness…to cure prostate issues in the first place???!!! That’s like giving a med for a heart attack…to someone who has sore muscles.

Did you know there’s a SAFE way to protect yourself from an enlarged prostate?

And it doesn’t involve a single med.

Fact is… Mother Nature gave us all the tools we need…via simple NUTRIENTS that are proven to protect the prostate naturally!


Palmetto+ is my natural prostate pill. I designed it to protect the prostate using two simple ingredients:

Saw palmetto and pygeum.

It has no side effects.

(It’s a supplement…NOT a med!)

Use and you’ll:

- Stop annoying nighttime trips to the bathroom
- Guard against prostate enlargement — AKA Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
- Preserve your sex drive, virility, and masculinity
- Put an end to urination problems for good

Palmetto+ is a "must-have" for any man age 30 and up…who wants to avoid having their manhood demolished!

Try your first bottle at:

Ditch the meds!

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Order 3 bottles of Palmetto+ and you’ll save 15%! The coupon will be applied to your order upon checkout.

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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