Subject: ~ALERT: Why Insulin May Kill You

#1 Secret Weapon for Reversing Type II Diabetes without Insulin or Prescription Drugs
For many, Type 2 diabetes has become a slow death sentence.  

Many can blame prescription insulin.

Most patients have no idea how this popular prescription is slowly killing them. Fortunately for Ellen, she escaped the death sentence.

About a year ago, Ellen was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, also known early Type 2 diabetes. This is a fancy term for "bad blood."

Bad blood is characterized by:

1. Too much sugar in blood
2. Too much of the hormone insulin

It's the root cause of today’s rampant overeating and ultimately, the historical decline in human longevity.
According to The Journal of The American Medical Association, bad blood will shave off 11-20 years from lifespan. Sadly, 1 in 3 children born in the year 2000 are predicted to be victims...

With her diagnosis, Ellen faced heart disease, diabetes, cancer and premature death.

But, bad blood doesn’t have to be a death sentence. It can simply be a wakeup call.

"In truth, my diagnosis of pre-Type 2 diabetes had probably been brewing for years," says Ellen, who is from Virginia Beach, VA.

"Knowing my penchant towards using Mother Nature's pharmacy to address any health issues, my doctor told me that if she had her way, she would immediately start me on insulin. But she knew I would prefer to find alternative ways to try and treat/beat this. My doctor gave me 'three months to turn this situation around.'"

I'm not sure if Ellen realizes the massive impact of this one, very important decision...

Insulin is the worst possible medication for someone with high blood sugar.

Type 2 diabetes is an illness of too much insulin….Would you give more rotten food to someone suffering from food poisoning in hope that they'd get nutrients?

Of course not...So why would you give someone with pre-Type 2 diabetes more insulin?  After all, prescription insulin was only approved for Type 1 diabetics!  That makes sense because that's a disease of NO insulin. 

Type 2 diabetics who take more insulin are causing more resistance!  Sugar drops temporarily, but this is not a positive results.  It's just ENABLING THE DISEASE!

The smarter thing to do is avoid insulin and force muscle cells to respond to the patients own insulin using ultra-potent CINNAMON.

This works!  

I've watched it save Type 2 diabetics over the last 15 years, Ellen included.

"One of the first pieces of information I came across was the success that people were having using cinnamon to balance their sugar levels," she says. "I went on to research supplement formulations that were going to help me take charge of my own health." 

"I decided to add The People's Chemist cinnamon supplement (Cinnergy) because of its potency and the clean nature of the ingredients," says Ellen.

Cinnergy has a remarkable reputation for making bad blood, good again!

It's loaded with the medicinal compound cinnamaldehyde. As highlighted by the medical journal Phytomedicine, it "possesses hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects," that are much stronger than prescription drugs!

For years, I've been proving that Cinnergy is responsible for triggering sugar metabolism among muscle cells. Even better, it does not contain coumarin, an active ingredient that some people are overtly sensitive too.

Essentially, muscle acts like Pac-Man and ravenously consumes sugar, thus removing it from your blood, when we consume Cinnergy, loaded with that natural medicine, cinnamaldehyde.

As blood sugar is eaten up by muscle cells, there’s no need for insulin!  Therefore, the body stops producing excess insulin!

This is a measurable result of Cinnergy and it has saved tens of thousands of people from bad blood.

Doctors who verify the magic with a simple blood test are shocked...

"I ordered Cinnergy and started taking it immediately," says Ellen.

"One day, about six months ago, I had blood drawn again with the results sent to my doctor."

"A few days later, she literally pulled me into her office by my sleeve and urgently asked me, 'Okay, what did you do? You TOTALLY reversed your sugar levels and they are all within normal range now!'"

"Needless to say, that’s why I continue taking Cinnergy to this day,” says Ellen. “Good news. Good stuff."

Get Ready to Shock Your Doctor

Ellen is not an exception.

Cinnergy has been helping those with bad blood reverse the imminent danger for more than a decade!

In the event that you ever find yourself diagnosed with bad blood, or diabetes, or heart disease – your doctor's first reaction will likely be to get you hooked on some sort of bullshit prescription drug like insulin or metformin or both.

Tell them you're not interested in going down that insane path.  If they hiss and snort, ask them for a study proving that either one CURES Type II diabetes!

You're smarter than that.

Instead, use Cinnergy to get your body's internal processes back in order fast.

Not only will you shock the hell out of your doctor, you'll also experience fewer sugar cravings and noticeable fat loss.

You’ll sleep better and feel more alive.

Best of all, no greedy pharmaceutical company will profit off you.

It's a life-enhancer, and in many cases, a life-saver, just as Ellen's story proves.

Alternative link at 
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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