Subject: ~ALERT: Straight Talk...

Oh it's on!

The second edition of my Straight Talk Newsletter goes out in the mail this

Let me warn you...Straight Talk by definition means "very honest."

...It means I didn't write Straight Talk with you in mind. I wrote it
with the hundreds of thousands who die every year from "following
doctors orders."

The 9 year old girl who was prescribed Cipro for an ear infection...

The 14 year old Freshman football player who died from a prescription of
Fentanyl after his tonsils were removed...

The grandma who missed Christmas due to internal bleeding caused
by her blood thinners...(She thought bruising was normal.)

That's who Straight Talk was written for.

It attacks the pill-popping, huckster culture that’s been spawned by the
ruthless anonymity of the world wide web…as well as the tyranny that’s
keeping many of you in chains under the guise of “health care.”

You can read it, eat it, or throw it away…

Straight Talk will also have contributions from a renowned, Yale trained
heart surgeon who is in The Beating Heart Hall of Fame! You can
learn about him at

Look for it!

Dare to Ditch the Meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Want to fight back against sugar damage? Stock up on my cinnamon
and milk thistle combo at - watch your glucose,
A1C and triglycerides plummet! Add 3 to cart and get FREE shipping
plus 15% off: