Subject: ~ALERT: Ibuprofen Linked to Heart Failure


No need to take the painkilling drugs known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs) for joint pain. The days of risking your health
for pain relief are long over…if you're lucky enough to know about
Joint FX…

Italy’s University of Milano-Bicocca just reported that, “Many commonly
used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are associated with
elevated risk of heart failure hospitalizations…Use of any drug in the
class in the prior 14 days was associated with a 19% elevated of risk of
hospital admission for heart failure (adjusted odds ration 1.19, 95% CI
1.17-1.22) compared with past use of any NSAIDs more than 6 months
prior.” The study used information obtained from European national
healthcare databases.

In other words…taking an over-the-counter painkilling drug may
temporarily ease pain, but it can also attack your heart.

“For patients who do need NSAID treatment, it is important to consider
the different risk profiles of the individual drugs,” said editor Gunnar
H. Gislason, MD, PhD, of Copenhagen University Hospital, and Christian
Torp-Pedersen, MD, of Denmark’s Aalborg University.

Here’s the thing…NOBODY needs NSAIDs! Nobody!

NSAIDs are not a “treatment”! They’re a shit product designed to
temporarily mask pain, while failing to address the root cause of the

And they’re dangerous.

“While the FDA and other agencies have warned about potential risks of
NSAIDs, their wide over-the-counter use ‘fuels the common misconception
that NSAIDs are harmless drugs that are safe for everyone’ and makes
‘even a small increase in cardiovascular risk ... a concern for public

Yup…NSAIDs are nothing more than a poison sold over-the-counter, while
threatening people’s health…and nobody is as outraged by this as I am.

NSAIDs include:


Want to watch you grandkids grow up? Avoid these!

For most people, the ROOT CAUSE of joint pain is that their cartilage has
been worn down over the years. Many experience a grinding “bone on
bone” sensation that kills their ability live young. Joint pain robs
people of the ability to do the physical activities they love…or hell,
even basic everyday tasks like going up or down stairs.

Joint FX is a safer alternative to risky over-the-counter painkillers.
After years of studying how hormones can help heal the body, I used my
chemistry background to design an all natural product that activated this
healing center in the body.

For over 10 years, I’ve watched Joint FX do the “impossible.”

Vicki K., a Joint FX user, wrote:

“I’ve been taking Joint FX for a while now (when I’m not giving it
away to friends and turning them into fans)…and I’ve noticed a new
benefit. The cysts in my left wrist are dissolving VANISHING!!! The pain in
my worn-out thumb joint started to get so bad I couldn’t sleep…Oh yeah,
GONE. The $250 brace I used to wear at night because knitting was killing
me? Gathering dust. Please pass along my deepest gratitude to Shane. I take
pretty much everything he sells. I’m feeling better, and I’m daring to
live younger every day! Age 56 and counting BACKWARDS from here!”

Instead of putting you in the hospital for heart failure (like Ibuprofen
and other NSAIDs do) — Joint FX is safe to use and adds quality years to
your life. It does NOT attack your heart like NSAIDs do!

Another Joint FX user, Vinny D., wrote: “I thought I’d give Joint FX a
try for the discomfort and pain I was experiencing in my knees when I swim
and run. It’s been less than a week, and I’m pain-free during my


So before reaching for a deadly painkilling NSAID like Ibuprofen, think

Give your joints the SAFER alternative: Joint FX. It’s designed to soothe
all forms of joint pain — hips, shoulders, knees, wrists, you name it —
while rebuilding and replenishing cartilage.

(You’ll thank me later!)

Stock up now at before I'm all out...Will be restocked
November 1!

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. A study done in Italy showed that painkilling drugs known as NSAIDs
(e.g., Ibuprofen) can put users in the hospital for heart failure. Don’t
take that chance. For scorching joint pain, turn to the safer alternative
— Joint FX. It soothes aching joints, and rebuilds cartilage — WITHOUT
threatening your heart. Stock up at