Subject: ~ALERT: FDA Reports 50% Ditch Their Meds! Should You?


The FDA reports that 50% of patients ditch their meds.

Why? Because meds - especially blood pressure pills - make you
feel like sh#t!

Life isn't supposed to be lived feeling bad.

There's a better way. Nature has better meds than Pharma! And a new
study proves it!

And I'm so excited about this that I'm offering an insane special at the end of
this short alert!

A new study compared garlic to the blood pressure medication known as
atenolol AKA Tenormin.

The results showed that garlic (as found in Cardio FX at
was more effective at lowering blood pressure than the popular drug!

Scientists from the College of Pharmacy at King Khalid University, compared
both among those suffering from confirmed hypertension. After 24 weeks, the
researchers found that, "In the garlic treated group, significant reduction
in both systolic and diastolic pressures were observed when compared with
atenolol and placebo."

The most exciting part was that those who used garlic also avoided the
side-effects that came with using atenolol such as:

- Obesity
- Pre-diabetes
- Depression
- Feeling light headed

This study only confirms what hundreds before it have: Big Pharma is using
ineffective chemicals to profit from high blood pressure - while hiding
natural cures!

Stop pumping poison into your heart!

Get the 3 Pack Special 15% OFF + FREE SECRET HEALTH FILES
($97 value) below:

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Why is atenolol so dangerous?

Great question!

Atenolol blocks a family of receptors known as beta-receptors. These rest
on the outer layer of your heart and fat cells. Once blocked, a chemical
cascade is set into motion that leads to a metabolic nightmare. Most
important, by blocking these receptors, you shut down your ability to
burn fat! Then, your fat storing hormone insulin skyrockets along with
blood sugar.

You can watch this happen with simple blood tests.

Atenolol and other BP meds are also very toxic to the liver. Worse, they
weaken your heart.

Meanwhile, natural ingredients like garlic (as well as hawthorn) help open up
arteries to allow for better blood flow. They also keeps blood from
clotting excessively, thereby halting unruly blood clots that can lead to
stroke and heart disease!

Big Pharma has been hiding these facts from you. Instead of broadcasting
it, they've been trying to make counterfeits of garlic (and hawthorn) in their lab!

Each time, they've failed because the benefits stem from a wide array of
natural compounds in garlic that cannot be duplicated by a chemist.

Now you can get garlic and ALL the other natural heart meds in ONE
single product. It's called Cardio FX. I designed it specifically to replace
blood pressure medications. And it's doing just that!

"Blindly following doctors order's almost cost me a fortune...mutilated my
cardiovascular system...and nearly killed me," emailed a new fan of Cardio

His body weight had ballooned 30 lbs and he was so out of breath that he
couldn't play with his children at the park!

Then he took charge with Cardio FX. "I got my life back," he asserted.

It's that simple. When Big Pharma hype collides with science, it's not
pretty. The right natural medicine will always win.

Save yourself with Cardio FX.

Get the 3 Pack Special 15% OFF + FREE SECRET HEALTH FILES below:

[ ]

Here is the DEAL over the next 48 hours!

Buy a 3-pack of Cardio FX and get 15% off. Plus, I'll throw in my 4-disk
audio set, Secret Health Files! This covers everything that my publishers
said was FORBIDDEN. Everything is broken up into easy-to-learn 10
minute segments! Get this package now at

I'm only doing this to help you learn what doctors can't tell you. This is a
$97 value that outlines cancer cures, detox blends, malaria busters and
so much more!

Buy 3 Cardio FX and I'll promptly mail you Secret Health Files!

Then, you can join the 50% who rightfully ditch their meds.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Yes, you are getting 3 bottles of Cardio FX at a discount. PLUS the
Secret Health Files 100% FREE! I'm all about education! So order
and get educated at - Only 48 hours left.