Subject: ~ALERT: Don't Use This to Beat Cancer!!!!!

A New York Times article, “Setting the Body’s ‘Serial Killers’
Loose on Cancer,” details how researchers are exploring a new
“therapy” to cure cancer.

Let’s look beyond the smoke and mirrors.

“The technique, known as cell therapy, gives each patient an
individualized and souped-up version of their own immune system, one that
‘works better than nature made it,’” says NYT, quoting Dr. Carl June.

Stop right there.

Why would we need a “souped-up” version of your
already perfect immune system?

This is like trying to kill cancer without knowing what caused it, which is
why we are losing the War on Cancer.

Before we start messing with our immune system, shouldn’t we figure
out why it’s not protecting us and fix that first?

Of course not, this is not profitable for Big Pharma, which obviously
paid for the article.

It goes on to say, “The patient’s T-cells, the soldiers of the immune
system, are extracted, then genetically engineered to recognize and
destroy cancer. The redesigned cells are multiplied in the laboratory, and
millions or billions of them are put back into the patient’s bloodstream,
set loose like a vast army of tumor assassins.”

Soldiers of the immune system?

Vast army of assassins?

Wow, all those adjectives are a dead give-away. This is dripping with
cheesy sales copy begging for an applause from a desperate audience.

Any time you have genetically engineered ANYTHING, run like
Oprah chasing after a brownie.

This so-called new cancer “treatment” is on the wrong track, as evidenced
by startling outcome of death. “Researchers are also still working out how
to control potentially lethal side effects. Just recently, a clinical trial was
briefly halted after three patients died of brain swelling” wrote The Times.

Why would anyone pursue this?

What if a nutritional supplement killed three while being tested
on a handful of people?

“Bill Ludwig, a retired captain in the New Jersey Department of
Corrections, had already paid for his funeral when he started treatment in
August 2010. Once his genetically engineered T-cells were unleashed in his
system, Mr. Ludwig’s lungs started to fail, his legs ballooned to twice
their size, his blood pressure dropped and he began hallucinating.”

How are people not outraged? Pokemon and vapid presidential
candidates, throwing insulting tweets back and forth, to the rescue!

Patrick Coughlin, another patient, experienced the following side effects:

“Severe immune system reaction with high fever, as well as temporary
trouble thinking in the days after treatment. Now, prone to infection and
takes prophylactic antibiotics and periodic immunoglobulin.”

Umm…but all of this is OK, because their cancer is gone right?!?

Now they’re “healthy”?!?

“The therapy itself can be arduous,” says NYT. “First, patients get
chemotherapy to wipe out many of their existing T-cells to make room for
the engineered ones. Once those enter the body, they can set off a
ferocious immune response as well as temporary neurological problems like
memory loss, seizures and hallucinations…some patients find themselves
hoping they get violently ill, since that is a sign the treatment is

Since when is feeling violently ill a sign that a treatment is working?

Meanwhile, drug makers are scrambling to profit from it.

“While various companies are in pursuit, three are in the lead. They hope
to win approval from the Food and Drug Administration to bring the first
CAR treatments to market as early as 2017 or 2018, although it is not yet
clear how easy it will be to get regulatory approval for such a novel
therapy,” says NYT.

I say stop this shit now.

Everyone alive today has been conditioned to think that in order to fight
cancer you have to risk death…or be put through a slew of heinous side

Not. Fucking. True.

For those of you reading this who have at least half a brain, there’s a
saner way to ward off cancer.

As I wrote about in my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded
Edition, cancer is simply a disease that happens when damaged cells fail to
kill themselves. Researchers have discovered that certain nutrients can aid
in this “cell suicide” (technically known as apoptosis) and therefore
ward off cancer.

It happens naturally and safely, every single day. Turmeric (found in is among one of many compounds that helps this occur
without side effects. And it works incredibly well, while leaving healthy
cells alone! Even better, when you get it from my multi-vitamin, Daily Dose,
you also get boswellic acids, which as also ignites cell suicide among
diseased cells.

Learn more at

As outlined in my book, triggering cell suicide is the most effective
weapon against the growing cancer threat. The drug industry has been
chasing this Holy Grail of selective cytotoxicity for decades using their
man-made toxic drugs, but has failed. When you have so-called medical
experts proudly thinking they’re “better than nature,” it’s easy to
see why they’re failing.

You’ll learn exactly which nutrients these are, by reading
Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition. Make sure to read the
introduction AND the chapter on cancer!

No side effects. No “feeling violently ill.” No risk of death.

Just giving your body exactly what it needs to assist itself in
healing…that’s how you “soup up” your immune system!

If you want a real cancer killing protocol that won’t accidentally kill
you — read the book, not sales copy from NY Times.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Find out the exact nutrients that suffocate cancer, by reading
Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition, so you can protect
yourself and your loved ones! (This book also reveals how to smother
diabetes, burn fat, guard against cardiovascular disease, and more!) Read
inside for FREE at