Subject: ALERT: Big Pharma Exploits Prominent Nurse's Death!


Fast drug approval is a wet dream for Big Pharma.

They did this with Tamoxifen. And the rapid delivery to the market hid
the "anti-cancer" drugs ability to actually cause cancer!

100% true.

The faster the drug approval process, the easier it is to push unsafe
and ineffective drugs on the market.

Nobody is immune to this marketing camouflage.

A recent New York Times article recounts how Mary Pazdur, 63, battled
ovarian cancer for 3 years and lost. She was the wife of Dr. Richard
Pazdur, the FDA's oncology chief for the last 16 years! He's the
"gatekeeper" for new cancer drugs being introduced to the market.

While his wife's condition gradually worsened, Dr. Pazdur was criticized
for being "a slow, obstructionist bureaucrat."

In other words, he refused to approve new drugs too quickly. He insisted
on taking an appropriate amount of time to ensure new treatments were
actually SAFE before unleashing them onto cancer patients.

…Here we have one regulator who actually insisted that drugs be confirmed
as safe before approval, no matter how much time it took.

Cancer patient advocates vilified Dr. Pazdur, calling him "a murderer" for
adhering to quality control…if you can believe that. F$cking morons.

What exactly do they think they know, that he doesn't?

However, this is not the most remarkable thing about the NYT article.

The most telling point is that Mary Pazdur, a nurse, chose to STOP using cancer
drugs at the end of her life, because she preferred to live her last days
feeling as good as possible.

…And drugs weren't allowing her to do that!

"Mary Pazdur had exhausted the usual drugs for ovarian cancer, and with her
tumors growing and her condition deteriorating, her last hope seemed to be
an experimental compound that had yet to be approved by federal
regulators," says NYT.

She ended up taking two experimental drugs to treat her ovarian cancer,
both of which did more harm than good. Mary "suffered terribly from taking
a second experimental drug in a clinical trial, in which Dr. Pazdur had no
role, at the National Institutes of Health. Her heart swelled to near
bursting, her blood pressure soared, and she became so tired that she could
barely walk to the bathroom."

Once these drugs failed, Mary finally chose to stop chemotherapy and enter
hospice care.

Her words are chilling: "I'm a nurse. I've seen this movie before. I'm
going to die from this. And I want to live my last days as best as I can."

As a chemist, I've seen the same movie, too. It's a horror story and
beyond. Pump cancer patients with chemo until they die…while siphoning
off billions of dollars in profit, courtesy of a medical fraud system
disguised as medical care. When the patient finally dies a slow,
miserable and expensive death, the industry tells
everyone, "cancer is a real killer."

No, the f$cking drugs are a real killer! This is glaringly obvious to anyone
who's paying attention. Studies consistently show that those who refuse
drugs live longer, better! Cancer patients, especially!

This poor lady's death is not being remembered for her refusal of drugs —
instead it's being used to enrich the drug makers who killed her!

After his wife's death, Dr. Pazdur caved. He started approving new drugs
more quickly!

"Since Ms. Pazdur learned she had ovarian cancer in 2012, approvals for
drugs have been faster than at any time in the F.D.A.'s modern history,"
says NYT. Mary's story spurred "a profound change at the F.D.A.: a speeding
up of the drug approval process."

The exploitation began before the funeral...

Seems like the clowns running the show are always multiplying in power.

The moral from Mary Pazdur's death isn't, "Give us drugs faster." It's STOP

When people fear cancer drugs, like they fear cancer, THEN we'll
finally win the war on cancer.

Read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded if you want to pull your head
out of your a$s and learn how to fight cancer, naturally.

No high IQ needed to understand this stuff…just read the book and follow
the instructions.

Order now at:

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Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. What's striking about Mary Pazdur's story isn't that it made the FDA
want to approve new cancer drugs faster…it's that Mary deliberately chose
NOT to take anymore drugs in the end. She preferred to live out her
remaining days feeling as good as possible…and no cancer drug on earth
could ever accomplish that goal for her. Get all the facts about cancer and
how to AVOID it by reading the book: