Subject: ~ALERT: Are Veggie Caps HARMING You?

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Veggies Caps ARE Harming YOU!
(Veggie Caps AREN'T Veggie Caps!)
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
Were you tricked into thinking a "veggie cap" came from vegetables?  

Think about didn't honestly think they used vegetables to make veggie caps, did you?

If so, you should know, THEY LIED!

Let me explain...I make a very unique "multi" called Daily Dose.  It's so unique, it's not even a "vitamin."  It's a nutrient.

Unlike the crap sold at your nearest hippie grocery store (or Whole Foods), Daily Dose is made with ZERO fillers, flow agents or synthetic copycats, labeled as "vitamins."

The term "vitamin" is a sales term invented to sell you synthetic, FAKES.

On the other hand, Daily Dose is loaded with BOTANICAL MEDICINE THAT IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE!

Daily Dose contains the most beneficial, naturally occurring nutrients required to:

- Fight cancer
- Increase energy
- Boost vitality, immunity, and longevity

In other words…If you're numb, sluggish, and dragging your feet in life, you probably need a better multi-vitamin. You need Daily Dose!

With turmeric as its base ingredient, this product is loaded with cancer-busting curcuminoids. 

Cayenne is also included, to ramp up bioavailability and tissue saturation (much better than wimpy and cheap black pepper).

This means your body will ABSORB and USE the nutrients to the fullest extent, instead of pissing them out into the toilet!

In order to cut corners and save costs, most supplement manufacturers add materials to their capsules that ruin absorption in the gut. Swallowing them is like trying to get your body to digest plastic and chalk. Doesn't work.

I don't use any ill-absorbed capsule material in ANY of my products! If I wanted to eat plastic, I'd eat Skylar's Legos.


Daily Dose is also made with healthy, naturally occurring gelatin — not the fake, hypromellose, glue-like, synthetic garbage made by Big Pharma and branded as "veggie capsules"!  Since it's made in a lab, and comes with side effects, they lied to you and called it a "veggie cap."

Vegatables don't make capsules...LOL/

(Alert: If your multi-vitamin has hypromellose capsules, then you're swallowing synthetic drugs disguised as vitamins or "veggies"! Side effects include headache, poor nutrient absorption, dehydration, constipation and fatigue)

The Enhancement Effect - Boosting Memory!

Daily Dose also delivers a massive dose of nature's most potent memory booster, boswellic acid (BA) from frankincense.

Researched for decades, boswellic acid is the single most important ingredient for building a bigger, healthier brain.

It's so effective, researchers have referred to it as a "Godsend" for restoring and encouraging memory formation. And that's interesting — because it was the same active ingredient found in one of the gifts to baby Jesus from the three wise men!

Adding boswellic acid to the current ingredients in Daily Dose just supercharges this already bad-ass formula. I think boswellic acid and its powerful effect on brain health and memory is one of chemistry's greatest discoveries.

Will it cure stupidity? Will it turn lazy slobs into productive millionaires overnight?

Of course not….Let's not get carried away.

But I've been sleuthing through the research for over 5 years to find a form suitable for a capsule, in the right dose, with the right combination of supporting compounds…and I've finally found it!

Like restoring our reflexes, boswellic acid increases the brain's ability to think, store information, and react faster. It's a must-have for brain fuel!

I've been monitoring all the studies from Big Pharma…they're scrambling to try to turn this simple natural ingredient into a drug. But they've yet to successfully duplicate its vast benefits with their toxic knock-offs…

Known for its ability to spur brain cell function, boswellic acid is currently recognized by scientists for its brain-enhancing action known as "the enhancement effect." 

The "thrills" take place in your brain, in the form of sharper thinking and better memory.

You will feel this in weeks courtesy of less forgetfulness and more mental alertness…

The enhancement effect has been shown to reverse and prevent amnesia even, while effectively restoring and preserving memory!

Imagine not having to ask, "Where the hell did I put my keys?!?" for the millionth time. Imagine not having to worry about your mind eroding due to old age, Alzheimer's, amnesia, or whatever the f&#@k else plagues the average human mind and steals the gift of aging!

Life is awesome when you have a sharp brain and an even sharper memory.

With the new and improved Daily Dose, you can enjoy both!

Hurry, supply won't last.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Daily Dose also helps my kids focus, keep inflammation and general joint pain away, it protects against cancer and ramps up memory…If you want a multi-nutrient that does all of this — stock up here!

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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