Subject: ALERT! 88 YO Cures Leukemia, Says No To Chemo!


For over 10 years I've watched thousands of cancer victims succumb to

These are people who sought my "advice." And when I told them to
read my book - Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded - they

(Some even insisted I was just trying to make a buck!)

Most went on to dabble with b@llshit Internet remedies...and eventually
succumb to their idolatry of Western Medicine, which mean they took chemo
and died.

For decades, people have refused to see the pattern:

Get diagnosed with cancer, get chemo, die.

When people fear chemo like they fear cancer, we'll once and for all
start beating cancer.

Unfortunately, willful ignorance has hit a tipping point. It's easier to "believe"
in medicine than it is to learn who to fight illness.

If chemo worked, we wouldn't be losing the war on cancer.

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!

Fortunately, Chuck Sr. was astute enough to see the elephant in the room...

Just a few years ago, at 88 years old, Chuck was diagnosed with
chronic leukemia. And he's the subject of my all new Case Study #3.

WATCH IT NOW: 6 Minutes at

A few years ago, his son sent me this email:

"My father has been diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and may
also have thrombocytopenia (low platelet disorder)."

"Oncology doc is now pushing him to take rituxan which supposedly flags the
defective B-cells to assist the immune system in removing them selectively."

"Trying to keep dad out of the grip of medical system claws...what's the best
plan of action?"

My reply was like all the other ones, "he must start the protocol in
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, immediately!"

And that's exactly what he did!

His story, AND HIS DOCTOR, are featured in my Case Study #3 short film.

Watch it now at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Did you know that some of the "blockbuster" medications sold today
can cause cancer!???? Are you popping open orange pill bottles
every morning? If so, you might be adding fuel to the cancer fire! Learn
more with my new book, 3 Worst Meds at - hurry and
order before all hardcopies are SOLD OUT!