Subject: ~A Wonder Drug For Depression?

The New York Times recently published a cleverly titled article, "I Don't
Believe in God, but I Believe in Lithium." It hides nothing. They want you
hooked on meds, lithium to be exact. But, not the natural lithium,
which I call the true wonder drug in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures
EXPANDED......[buy at Amazon:]

This is a classic bait-and-switch tactic.

"As long as I take those three pink lithium-carbonate capsules every day, I
can function," sapped the author.

The article pimps lithium-carbonate as a "natural" anti-depressant…as if
you could pluck it out of the ground like carrot and be happy.

"The use of lithium as a therapy for mental illness goes back to at least
Greek and Roman times, when people soaked in alkali-rich mineral springs to
soothe both 'melancholia' and ‘mania,'" insisted the Times.

This is true. But the Times fails to mention Greeks and Romans were using
mineral salts of lithium…not lithium carbonate!

Born in the labs of Big Pharma, lithium-carbonate is the bastard child of
synthetic chemistry and greed. It was invented in an attempt to mimic the
profound mental benefits offered by lithium salts found in nature —
anti-depressant, memory booster, anti-anxiety, and lots more. As an
athlete, I use lithium salts to shorten recovery times and ward off
exercise-induced depression.

There's no question that major depression brings suffering. It can make
life feel unbearable, crippling willpower, productivity, and
responsibility. It can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, decreased
appetite, and pain. But lithium-carbonate isn't the answer to this growing

Today, one in ten Americans is on some type of antidepressant. When you
walk into a doctor's office in the United States, you're more likely to be
prescribed an antidepressant than any other drug. Antidepressant sales are

Lithium-carbonate promoters want in on the action…even if their synthetic
version of lithium is toxic!

The more they can swindle people into believing lithium-carbonate is a
"natural" antidepressant, the fatter their wallets get.

Fact is…lithium-carbonate is deadly. Nobody should be taking it. (But
don't tell that to the swooning NYT author who lavishly praises this
counterfeit, even as her kidneys fail due to its use!)

Scour the Earth like an oil hungry petroleum giant…Look high and low.
You'll never find lithium-carbonate in nature. Drench yourself like a
helpless pelican caught in an oil spill, no amount will help with

A landmark review published in 2009 in the Journal of the American Medical
Association found that, in many cases, antidepressants are no better than
placebos at halting depression. Those results were duplicated the following
year. And Harvard scientists concluded through their own studies that "the
difference between the effect of a placebo and the effect of an
antidepressant is minimal for most people."

But don't let that deter you from using nature's wonder drug, lithium

To treat depression, you need to view it not as a disease, but as emotional
instability precipitated by malnutrition or even drug and alcohol use. The
American Journal of Psychiatry made this view official, saying,
"Malnutrition predisposes to neurocognitive deficits, which in turn
predispose to persistent externalizing behavior problems throughout
childhood and adolescence. The findings suggest that reducing early
malnutrition may help reduce later antisocial and aggressive behavior."

This is easy to explain. When nutrient-depleted, the brain lacks the
ability to function. Test it by abstaining from water for a day.

Thus, just as a muscle fails when it lacks electrolytes, a malnourished
mind and body are ill equipped to deal with stress, despair, anxiety, rage,
and other depression initiators. You can't take depression out of life. But
you CAN improve how you respond to it with the proper lithium salts!

Observational studies of people using lithium salts show miraculous results
based on measurable outcomes like decreased violence and suicide. Because
of the classic bait-and-switch, however, few health professionals know
about it. This has prevented millions from knowing how to use lithium

In Over-The-Counter Natural Cures I show how inexpensive and safe it is, as
well as how to buy it at your local grocery store for PENNIES! Start
using it as outlined in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED.

Buy at Amazon:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Amazon is sold out due to the holiday season! But buy today and
you will be among the first to get their first batch! Go here: