Subject: A New Intimacy Pill?


  March 17, 2010

From The Desk of The People's Chemist:

Some Won't Believe it. Some Will Ignore It. And Some Will Find a Whole New Level of Confidence, Stamina and Intimacy.

Yes! It's 100% true. I've finally designed an "intimacy pill" that was made for men and enjoyed by women!

Don't confuse this with an "erectile dysfunction" aid. While useful for that, "Blue Thunder" optimizes intimacy, stamina and sensitivity for BOTH OF YOU by utilizing an all-natural blend of exotic herbs (is taken by him).

When consumed, Blue Thunder "primes" your (or your Man's) senses for those intimate times (take on full stomach after dinner). And believe it or not, it also increases...size. Seriously.

I've been struggling with how best to introduce this product without sounding cheap and sleazy...

After all, I am a published author, and known for my professionalism and diplomacy. Alright, that last part was a lie.

I'm best known for my keen sense of organic chemistry and drug design.

And since learning of the inherent risks if prescription drugs like Viagra and its competitors, I've been hell bent on offering alternatives. And if I can't find them already on the market, I make and designt them myself. So, three years ago, I set out to offer a REAL alternative that worked. It wasn't easy. but it's finally done!

Three years of research and troubleshooting has given rise to the first ergogenic aid that maximizes those close, personal moments shared between you and your loved one: Blue Thunder.

One pill "keeps you ready for three days." And she'll know when you don't take it!

These are some of the private testimonies that have come in (seriously):

"My wife wanted to marry me again all over."

- 50 year old executive

"It's like our wedding night all over again."

- 35 year old chef

I'm 76 years old and its been 4 years since we had that "intimate" moment. I'm not proud of it...After 45 minutes of taking Blue Thunder, neither of us could believe the results! It was like going back in a time machine. Thank you!

- retired

"I had no idea it was better than Viagra. Seriously. I thought it was not going to work 'cause it was natural and much less expensive than my usual prescription. My wife wondered what I was taking differently. We're both believers.

Here is my Guarantee: If "she doesn't know you took this," get a full refund.

Yes. Less expensive than any prescription drug and non-toxic!

Since I'm already back ordered by two weeks, you can try Blue Thunder now and get 25% off!  Sale ends very soon.

Buy now by clicking here: Blue Thunder or link below.

USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Men take ONE pill after meal once every three days. If less than 175lbs, only take half of capsule.
