Subject: ~A Greens Powder With No Cr@p Added! (FREE HARDCOVER!)

The People's Chemist
Don't Succumb to Harvards Malnutrition Warning...Or Lack of Reading!
(Offer Ends in 24 Hours!)
My son Blair is in the 7th grade. Public school has been an outright failure. Homeschool was our only option.

Fortunately for me, my mom was an amazing teacher and borderline crazy about reading and writing. It taught me a lot. Her motto was "Read, read, read, otherwise someone will interpret your life for you, and you’ll never be your own man."

When I didn't read or write to her standards, she would unleash hell. Yelling, ranting, and raving would follow edits. Paper would be flying and pencils would be broken on the edges of our cheap, wooden, kitchen table…

An elementary student, I’d run off to my room, holding back tears, and dig into a book for the 5th time to get the author’s lesson and rewrite the summary from scratch to meet her demands.

Combine that experience with my bachelor's degree and master's in chemistry, homeschooling Blair came as a welcome challenge for me. It's been rewarding, but only because Blair is a better student than I am a teacher.

Currently, he's reading Siddhartha, the classic by Hermann Hesse. It's a slow read for a 7th grader. 

I don't want him to miss anything. Therefore, after every chapter, he pulls 10 new words and writes definitions. Once done, he pens a chapter summary. Only then does he move on.

This level of rigor and detail has become the norm for Blair. Meanwhile at the local school, kids are allowed to "choose" a book…hell, they could probably choose a coloring book if they wanted to. After a week, they're assigned a "book report."

That consists of "cutting out 5 magazine pictures that remind you of a scene in the book!”

Ridiculous! "Cut and f@#cking paste" is what constitutes a book report in the 7th grade today!?

The kids are being robbed during their most impressionable and opportune years to learn…

"That's why their lives will be interpreted for them, Blair. They'll be told when to play the victim, when and who to hate, and most importantly who to vote for.”

His peers' jobs will be interpreted...their bills will be interpreted...their debt, their relationships and most definitely their medicine will be interpreted for them.

(Any time a doctor diagnoses you and slaps meds on you, your health is being interpreted for you.)

Without the ability to truly read, think, study, and reflect...every aspect of a person's life will have to be "explained" and spoon-fed to them by headlines, hashtags and government sponsored movements and protests. 

Of course, this will all stem from the self-serving corporations that serve as their masters. The victims of this subjugation will say, “I don’t know what to believe,” while scratching their head…clueless and lost!

"Vitamin Water is healthy for you..."

"High cholesterol is a disease..."

"Take a baby aspirin a day…”

“Vaccines are mandatory…”

“Chemo cures cancer…”

“Vitamin D is good for you…”

All of these deadly myths promulgated by corporate drug dealers have already become sacred cows, thanks to a herd of people who cannot read, compare, or comprehend.

Instead, they think in pictures and headlines.

Today’s teachers, lawyers, doctors, and politicians are just as ardently dependent on being told what to believe and how to think as the cretinous masses.

…That’s what happens when you get a "cut and paste" education… It’s impossible to believe anything when you have people interpreting every aspect of your life for you! They will smother you with cultural diversity, sexual diversity, and racial diversity but punish you for intellectual diversity.

Hermann Hesses’ main character, Siddhartha, was on an unrelenting search for truth, after realizing that nobody around him had yet been enlightened. 

You should be, too, so that nobody can swindle your a$$ into buying harmful and fake "nutrition" products that damage your health.

This is the kind of nightmare that can wake you up at realize your illiterate, high school and college peers are now selling and making shoddy vitamins, supplements, and veggie powders touted as “detox,” ”multi-vitamin, or ”super greens."

Of course, it goes as expected: most of these health products are contaminated, low dose, and poorly combined wanna-be's that are made in a lab and have never even seen daylight, yet are sold as “nutritious” in some way, shape or form…

And all of this incompetence is easily covered up with a slick product label designed by an outstanding graphic artist. "Oh what a beautiful label, that product must be great," says the subconscious mind trained to only think in pictures.

How stupid are the masses?

Cut and paste stupid.

As The People's Chemist, I've made a business out of countering the ignorance by helping people ditch the meds to live young. A large part of that means getting people to read!

Harvard Health Watch recently reminded us that, “The average American diet leaves a lot to be desired. Research finds our plates lacking in a number of essential nutrients.” And that rampant malnutrition is parlaying into record numbers of obesity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Enter TPC Essential Greens…my newest product that can fill the nutrient void in a matter of minutes!

Take action now and you can buy a 3 pack for 15% off, and receive my book, 3 Worst Meds for FREE. I'll also cover the shipping.


3 Worst Meds gives you everything you need to avoid sabotaging your weight, health and longevity! Everything from blood thinners to vaccines is covered! 

And if you want proven natural alternatives, you get just that!  Even better, all the purity testing is done for you, results included!

(That’s tens of thousands of dollars in testing costs to protect you and your family, FREE OF CHARGE!) 

This is no joke! This offer is made so nobody is left behind! And it’s only being given to my email subscribers! 


But before you order, let me prove why TPC Essential Greens is the best thing you can do for your energy levels and health!

I created TPC Essential Greens for people who want a powerful, vegetable blend without any unnecessary sh#t added (…sh#t that other supplement makers are happy to "copy and paste" into their product to extend shelf life).

TPC Essential Greens is unlike any other greens product on the market. It's a true "farm-to-cup" supplement that supplies your body with a barrage of Earth's most important micronutrients…without subjecting you to preservatives or additives.

TPC Essential Greens is an organic Spirulina and organic vegetable blend designed to knock out nutrient deficiencies and environmental toxins, while putting the immune system into overdrive.

As a lifetime athlete, dad and pilot, I needed a “nutrient bomb” that would replenish my body with the compounds it needed for shortened recovery times, sustained energy, and longevity.

Essential Greens is the answer to that. It's loaded with:

- Beet root
- Moringa
- Spirulina
- Wild Cherry bark
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Kale
- Spinach
- Ginger
- Bromelain

....and even a pro-biotic blend was added to ensure proper absorption!

A true whole food, Essential Greens provides natural anti-inflammatories, increases glutathione (a must for excreting harmful compounds) and raises nitric oxide (enabling healthy arteries).

Additionally, TPC Essential Greens helps your body mount a defense to the ever-growing threat of cancer.

With the increased ability to isolate and structurally identify the various phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables, researchers around the world have confirmed that a wide array of isolated nutrients — as found in Essential Greens — is among the best ways to stop the invasion of “uncontrolled cell growth.” With repeated use, this optimizes health, energy, and functional lifespan.

Every ingredient in TPC Essential Greens is non-GMO, organic, and free of all pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides.

When you look at the nutrition facts, be ready to have your mind blown!

You won't see the usual milligram (mg) quantity that's the norm in the shoddy, copycat world of supplements. 

Everything in TPC Essential Greens comes in GRAMS! 

That means you get the dose you need for living young!

(And you won't be wasting a single penny!)

As The People's Chemist, my job is to educate, motivate, and inspire you to take charge of your health, so you can live young. Don’t be the victim of a "cut and paste" education...where your life is interpreted for you!

Just by studying this email...and using TPC Essential Greens…you can probably out-live your peers, both in quality and length of life.

This product is FINALLY back in stock. You can take me up on my bet that you'll love it!

Order now before I sell out again:

For the next few hours you can buy a 3 pack of TPC Essential Greens for 15% off, and receive my book, 3 Worst Meds for FREE. I’ll also ship everything on me!


Let me prove why it’s the best thing you can do for your energy levels and health:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. TPC Essential Greens is the first and only product that brings the farmer's market home in one bottle! Enjoy this great-tasting, energizing blend of nature’s most powerful greens!

Feel the "rush of sustained energy and focus," as one fan said in an email after the first day of having it!

Buy a 3 pack and get 15% off, FREE shipping and a free copy of 3 Worst Meds Hardcover!

Order Here:

P.P.S. Essential Greens goes great mixed with Whey Advanced (! To add to your daily preventive health, use Daily Dose ( with that "power blend" every morning! Want to crank it up a notch? Toss in a bit of powdered liver! Watch the magic!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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