Subject: A Diet Pill for Less than $1 Per Day?


By the year 2030, it's expected that 2/3 of Americans will be clinically
obese. But lets face it. That's being nice...

Most people are way ahead of their time. They don't need to wait to
2030 to be labeled obese...I was there 10 years ago. But, fortunately,
I reversed it.

Few people will be able to figure out how to do the same...Rather than
take advantage of a powerful diet pill, they'll try to cut calories.

That's not going to work by itself.

A recent study showed that overweight teens ate less calories
than lean ones.

Scientists had a hard time explaining the paradox. How could overweight
people be taking in less calories, in this particular study?

It's easy. Their fat storing hormones are conspiring against them.

Due to excess sugar, artificial flavors and bad fat consumption, the
hormones of overweight people force the body to store fat. And it doesn't
matter if the person eats 100 calories or 5,000.

Once your hormones are thrown out-of-whack, all calories get packed away
as unsightly fat.

That's why I designed ThermoFX.

For less than a $1 per day, you can actually trigger your body to eradicate the
hormones that are holding you back in life with ThermoFX.

Many people are using this to get their energy back, increase endurance and
boost strength. But it's most effective at triggering a family of receptors in
the body that flip metabolic switches on fat cells. Once done, the body goes
from storing fat to burning it.

Watch this 1-minute video to learn how it works:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist