Subject: ~85 Year Old's Favorite Pill!

"Healthcare" has been assaulting our elderly for decades.

Today, most of my mentors from high school are so doped up
on "blockbuster" meds that they have no recollection of who
they were 20 years ago...

Others are fighting back.

Marjorie ditched her meds.

“Three to four years ago my doctor said l had a heart attack,” she

“They installed a stint, and gave me 8 prescription drugs. A week or so
later, after taking those drugs, I became a patient, had no energy, and
could not leave my couch except for problems like eating & etc.”

Eight meds for a heart attack?!

No wonder Marjorie couldn’t leave the couch!

Meds are the problem, not the solution.

Most people accept this death by meds as normal...

Not Marjorie.

“I thought there must be a better way, so I went online and found your
website. I’ve followed your advice, but due to being on SS, had to
purchase your suggested advice piecemeal, due to lack of extra available
funds,” she admits.

“Thanks to you, I am now using Cardio FX (

Cardio FX is my natural heart supplement designed to “bulletproof” the
cardiovascular system from all threats.

It contains 4 simple ingredients from Mother Nature that protect against
heart attack, stroke, and more! Best of all, there are ZERO side effects!

Take 2 minutes to watch the video, and see how Cardio FX works!

What were Marjorie’s results?

“I have been reading your website for these last 3-4 years. I’m now a
healthy 85-year-old, all due to your writings & recommendations.”

“I live alone, now have energy, eat healthy, use garlic and lotsa
God-given herbs when available. Very Truly Yours,
Marjorie G.”

Thank you Marjorie! (Look for your care package in the mail as a thank
you for living young!)

Using Cardio FX is like winning the “lottery” for your heart!

Life is precious. Don’t delay in protecting yourself from heart attack
and stroke. Stock up on Cardio FX today…it works! (NO side effects!)

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. At age 85, Marjorie survived a heart attack…she ditched the meds and
used Cardio FX to protect her heart. Now she’s feeling great! You can do
the same. Try your first bottle and see the results for yourself!