Subject: ~82yo Shocks Doctor


This is important!

The scientific community has been raving about it. But the lame-stream
media continues to ignore it. A massive study on BP meds concluded
Big Pharma's worst nightmare: Outside of an emergency, BP meds are all
risk no gain.

A cohort of 26,785 participants ages 45-plus were followed for 6.3 years by
a research team led by George Howard, Dr.P.H., a professor in the
Department of Biostatistics in the UAB School of Public Health. About half
were successfully treated with BP meds, daily. They found:

- The risk of stroke went up 33 percent with each blood pressure medication
compared to those who took none.

- Those on three or more meds had a stroke risk 2.5 times higher than that
of those who took no meds!

In addition to those risks, blood pressure meds are also known to yield
depression, obesity and rob you of your energy, strength and vitality...There's
a better way.

To illustrate how well the alternative works, let me introduce Vern. He's
an 82 year old pilot who ditched his blood pressure meds in favor of
"nature's cardiovascular cure."

"Dear TPC, I am an 82 year old man. Still a pilot, but I’ve been inactive
for the last 5 years primarily because keeping a special issuance medical
is just too much hassle. All that to say I had a heart attack in 2001 and
another in April 2016. Needless to say they had me chocking down BP meds,
cholesterol meds and blood thinners and I felt like an old man because I
thought I was supposed to! Oh yeah almost forgot back in 2013 while I was
chocking down all those meds my heart rate went to 27. Off to the hospital
and a pacemaker!"

"Saw your pitch in AOPA’s Aviation eBrief and said why not give this guy
a shot. Started with Cardio FX and sure enough BP started coming down. I
started keeping a daily record of BP and as it came down I started weaning
myself of the dope. Now I’m completely off of BP med and running an
average BP over the last coupe months of 123/65. So I said that's working
why not add the Whey Advanced! Great stuff! I also took myself off of
Pravastatin (the last of a bunch that we tried all with horrible side
effects). My Dr's not overjoyed about that move, but he’s gonna have to
get over it. Last time cholesterol was checked it was fine as discussed in
your book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures! I have no intentions of
going back on any cholesterol meds!"

"You will never know what a huge impact you have made in my life! As an
after thought you might like to know that I am consistently walking 17
minute miles with no chest discomfort. Unheard off before your Cardio FX!"

"Obviously if there's anything in this email you can use to promote your
great stuff be my guest. For that matter I will be more than happy to talk
to anyone about the huge difference you have made in my life."

Thanks so much for reaching out Vern. (I've got a thank you package
on the way!)

In time, Vern will start losing fat, seeing more definition, have more focus,
and a huge surge in vitality and energy. There is nobody at any age who
doesn't receive these benefits when getting off meds.

Remember Tom? He was a 65-year old heart attack victim on the verge
of diabetes. Got off his meds, started the 18 Minute Workout and
life changed big time. He learned to fly, became a pilot and even build
his own damn plane!!!

Vern and Tom are living young thanks to Cardio FX.

For those who don't know, Cardio FX is my all natural, truly effective
cardiovascular cure. Formulated with compounded, whole herb, extracts
of hawthorn, grape seed, garlic and magnesium citrate, it helps your body:

- Bust unruly clots
- Control blood pressure
- Strengthen the heart
- Increase circulation for better distribution of oxygen and nutrients

I've been selling Cardio FX for 15 years and ever since, family, friends,
commercial pilots, jet pilots and pro-athletes have all used it
successfully to enhance their performance without meds.

Every bottle comes with 150 capsules of the purest compounds
nature has to offer...that means one bottle goes a very long way
and you get exactly what the label reads!

Get it now at

Every ingredient in Cardio FX is justified and supported by science. Take
grape seed extract as an example:

"In this prospective cohort study of well-characterized young and
middle-aged women with 18 years of follow-up and repeated measures of
dietary intake, we observed that a higher intake of anthocyanins [from
grape seed extract] was associated with a 32% reduction in risk of MI
[heart attack] and that this inverse association was independent of
established dietary and nondietary CVD risk factors."

— Scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health in the United
States and the University of East Anglia writing for The Journal of the
American Heart Association

I personally use Cardio FX for exercise, jiu-jitsu and every single time
I fly. Not only does it keep me oxygenated and fresh but it also keeps
my heart rate low, ensuring that I remain calm and focused during intense

You can feel the difference, get it at

No, it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars per bottle! Based
on your dose, it costs as little as $11 per month!!!!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If Cardio FX works for pilots who depend on it to keep their job and
do it safely, it WILL WORK FOR YOU! Here's yet another pilot testimony.

"During my flight physicals, my typical blood pressure was around 147/85
and I really wanted to avoid prescribed BP medications. Then through AOPA
e-newsletter, I read your information about hawthorne berries being a key
ingredient to your heart, blood pressure and overall circulatory system
health, so I decided to give it a try - CARDIO FX. I didn't check my BP
again for two weeks and was pleasantly surprised to see it had dropped to
and stays around 122/67, with little deviation. I recommended hawthorn
berries to an 88-year-old friend and current pilot who checked with his
pharmacist friend for approval and has since lowered it about the same as
mine! Thank you!" — Bob, Pilot

Protect your heart and BP at