Subject: 81 YO Ditches BP Meds, Gets Stronger Heart!


Genetics are no excuse for poor health. It's the habits that are most

Think about it.

The family that eats like shit is going to feel like shit. The family who
slathers on synthetic sunblocks are going to have kids with the same
cancer risk. The family who sits on their a$s is going to die on their

Your genetics are simply a loaded gun. Your habits dictate how
it's unloaded.

A New York Times article says: “It has been one of the toughest problems
in genetics. How do investigators figure out not just what genes are
involved in causing a disease, but what turns those genes on or off? What
makes one person with the genes get the disease and another not?"

Who gives a shit?

There's no investigation needed…I'll tell you the answer: it all boils
down to choosing the right habits.

I guess I gotta spell it out…

I just got an email from a fan who changed his habits for the better, and
started getting a better result.

His name is Ron and used Cardio FX to wean off BP meds...his doctor
told him they were mandatory due to "family history."

When will doctors stop parroting this shit?

Fortunately, Ron didn't fall for the sales hype disguised as cheap science...

He wrote in to say, "I have been using Cardio FX [ ]
for some time and have finally got off my blood pressure medication. I
take three Cardio FX tablets twice a day. I run somewhere around 138 over
85! I do take Cinnergy [ ] and other TPC products

Ron didn't stop there…in the spirit of being a good parent, he also
taught his daughter how to have healthy "habits!"

"I got my daughter who is 60 on Cinnergy and she has finally had a good
report on her sugar tests," he says. [ ]

Stop the presses! That's proof that anyone can learn something new at any
age…and ANYONE can take the simple actions needed to get better results.
Genes be damned.

For every bad habit there is a good one that is far more rewarding ready
to take it's place!

No blood pressure meds needed for Ron.

No diabetic meds needed for Ron's daughter.

Bottom line…He achieved measurable results by lowering his blood
pressure with Cardio FX. Then he taught his daughter to do the same, by
getting her to lower her blood sugar with Cinnergy."

Get Cinnergy Here: [ ]

These two products are safe, natural supplements. They are NOT drugs! I
designed them using ingredients directly from Mother Nature…no synthetic
crap or fillers added.

Cardio FX is loaded with a powerful combination of grape seed extract,
hawthorn, garlic, and magnesium citrate — 4 ingredients proven to
revitalize the entire cardiovascular system, boost athletic performance,
protect your heart from disease, and control blood pressure naturally.

Who cares what your ancestors did? It's smarter to care about
what science is telling you!

Take Cardio FX [ ] and you'll flood your body with
beneficial nutrients that make the cardiovascular system young again.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Next time you're tempted to blame your health problems on your genes,
remember it's HABITS that create health problems…not genes. Give me a
break. Get into the habit of giving your cardiovascular system what it
needs to be healthy, then send me your success story!

Get Cardio FX Here: [ ]