Subject: 79-Year-Old Bad Ass Writes and Publishes

79-Year-Old Bad Ass Writes and Publishes - Living Young - Instead of Being Trapped in a Nursing Home!
These days, most of our elderly population is over-medicated and pretty much helpless.

In a recent interview with a nurse who spoke out against the drugging of our elderly for profit, I called this The Retirement Effect. People work their entire lives for the so-called benefit of health insurance only to be drugged to death.

Hasn't anyone noticed? Instead of getting people to work for good 'ol cash, the powers that be have swindled millions into working for health insurance. Like the perfect, cashless society, people are now working their lives away for pills, credit and insurance.

Retired and numb from all the meds, our loved ones have little else to do but cave in, and allow more and more prescription drugs to be piled on them. In a near-vegetable state, their existence becomes pure drudgery…and soon they're shuttled off into nursing homes and forgotten.

But not Sandy. She's one of the few fighters left who proves you're never to old to live young!

At 79 years old, she's full of energy and living life on her own terms. Meanwhile, others around her have either died or have slowed down significantly.

Sandy is what I call a "79-year-old bad ass."

But before she found The People's Chemist, many health issues plagued her…

She Watched Her Loved Ones Croak…

"I lived on a farm as a kid, my mother always had a garden so we ate good, healthy food," says Sandy. "Because I wasn't pumped full of high fructose corn syrup and other junk as a kid, I guess I got a better foundation than today's kids. I try to eat healthy and exercise regularly."

"However, I struggled with high blood pressure, problems with my knees (I have 2 new ones – 1999 and 2012), back pain and trouble losing weight. I weigh 150 and no matter what I do, I stay there. I'm 5'2", but used to be 5'5', so clearly I have shrunk with age."

While Sandy attempted to eat healthy and exercise, she witnessed her loved ones stuck in the deadly prescription drug trap - courtesy of The Retirement Effect.

"I watched my mother and my husband take everything the doctors told them to take, without ever checking what the hell the side effects might be," she says. "All they did was get sicker and sicker and then die. That might be simplifying the matter, but I decided not to go that route nonetheless. I sincerely believe our bodies are designed to heal, given the right tools."

The People's Chemist's Sole Mission is to Help You Live Young

Not keen on settling for an early death, Sandy began searching online for natural solutions.

"When I found Shane (The People's Chemist), he seemed to be on the same wavelength. I must have found him on the internet when I was searching for how to control high blood pressure without drugs," she says.

"I got the feeling right away that Shane is a straight shooter and a no-nonsense guy. I got his cassettes and his book and felt like I was heading in the right direction because it all made so much sense. It's expensive, but it's cheaper than languishing in a nursing home!"

Better than dying young, too, I might add!

By Using Cardio FX, Sandy Took Control of Her Blood Pressure

First line of business was for Sandy to lower her blood pressure.

She did that by using my supplement, Cardio FX.

"My blood pressure stabilized, which was the main thing," she says. "My knees were already gone, so I didn't expect to heal those. My back still bothers me at times. But the main thing is that by following Shane's suggestions about supplements and etc., I have plenty of strength and energy. I've had one single cold in the last five years, even when I'm exposed to plenty of them from the great-grandkids and grandkids who are in and out of the house with all kinds of nasties. (Immune FX is one of the things I count on.) I also take Cinnergy & Shane's multiple vitamin, Daily Dose."

Many users start on Cardio FX and quickly find that it gives them more energy…so they start ordering several of my other products as well. Immune FX is mandatory for keeping the immune system alive and well!

That's because when your cardiovascular system gets nourished from the inside out, your entire body works better. Oxygen and nutrients are delivered throughout your whole body more easily.

You feel younger, as if you can conquer the world!

And best of all, there's no damn side effects from Cardio FX!

It WON'T kill you slowly, like popular cardiovascular drugs will.

If anything, it will extend your life as well as the QUALITY of your life.

"I feel the same now as I did twenty years ago, except I'm more wrinkled," says Sandy. 
"My 57-yr-old daughter complains because she has gray hair and I don't. She says if she gets senile before I do, there's going to be trouble!"

That's what I call living young!

Bad-Assery in a Bottle

Unlike most people, Sandy gets it.

She sees how valuable living young truly is and understands you can't choke down f@#$ing toxins all day and expect to live young!

Without youthful energy, what's the point in life?

That's why Sandy uses Cardio FX.

Cardio FX probably won't eliminate gray hair…but it WILL safely lower your blood pressure and give your heart everything it needs to be strong.

"Discovering Shane's products 4 or 5 years ago kept me from slowing down at the time when most people I know at this age have pretty much 'retired.' Whereas I am technically retired, you couldn't tell by following me around," says Sandy.

They've given up! That's what I think. Hell, I see 30 year olds give up and surrender to a bad knees, "high" blood pressure, so-called bad backs.

These are the GIVER-UPPERS! Wimps!

Then there's Sandy.

"I'm happy about the way things are going, and I give Shane lots of the credit. I understand that it's hard to get people to focus on this stuff because life is hard and many folks don't have the luxury or the stubborn determination to swim against the tide. They'd rather use excuses like, 'My doctor said…' and other BS."

Now instead of rotting away in a nursing home, Sandy is doing what she loves.

"I wrote and published two novels when I was 78," she says. "I'm working on my 3rd novel because….well, what can I say? I have to be feeling pretty good, yes?"

If you want to feel amazing, try Cardio FX. Use it lower blood pressure, protect against heart attack and stroke, increase your athletic performance, boost endurance, and skyrocket energy levels. Order your next bottle here (hurry — supply is running low again!)
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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