Subject: ~61-Yr-Old Living Young & Pain-Drug Free!

According to the CDC, there are 1.4 million people living in nursing homes

Most of these are the elderly…because no one ever taught them how to live
young. They grew up in an era where "asking your doctor" was not
only commonplace, but a badge of honor.

They got screwed big time...

Many can't walk, have to be hauled around in wheelchairs, and can't
do the activities they used to love doing. When most of them hit
50 years old, functional life came to a screeching halt.

Overmedicated and abandoned by their families, these elderly are resigned
to living a life in a virtual prison…while being at the mercy of nursing
home workers (AKA total strangers) who barely make $15/hr to care for these

A January 2016 Sentinel Enterprise news article says, "Nursing-home workers
joined the ranks of airport workers, fast-food employees, personal-care
attendants and others pushing for a $15 hourly minimum wage this week."

What kind of life is that, to be in the care of someone who makes the same
as a fast-food employee?

Unlike many of her rapidly aging peers who are stuck in pain and can't do
much of anything, 61-year-old Barbara K. lives pain-free and healthy!

She took charge. Life was too important for her not to!

She writes: "I've been using The People's Chemist products for a number of
years, and recommend them any chance I get. I do everything I can to keep
Joint FX (and Cardio FX) in good supply. If I'm out of Joint FX for more
than a week, my thumb joints, knees and hip joints inflict me with pain and
stiffness. Needless to say, I try to never be out!"

Joint FX is notoriously good at soothing all types of joint pain [ ]. It contains ZERO toxic ingredients, and it can be
taken by anyone who's fed up with feeling stiff and achy all the time.

Plus, Joint FX is scientifically proven to REVERSE joint damage and
eliminate pain, stiffness, and swelling in the process…better and faster
than glucosamine or chondroitin alone.

Seniors love this product! So do athletes and people who previously
suffered joint injuries in their youth.

"I've also used the AM/PM Fat Loss program with Cinnergy (which I still
take twice a week) to lose weight, and have taken Shane's advice on diet
and exercise," Barbara adds. "My weight has stayed down, I feel good (as
long as I'm on Joint FX) and my annual check-ups have shown that I'm in
great shape. What more can I ask for?"

"I'm 61 years old, and I want to stay healthy and pain-free as long as
possible. Shane's products go a long way toward helping me do that!"

To me, Barbara sounds much younger than her real age. That's because she's
consistently taking actions to live young!

It's not rocket science, people. Give the joints what they need to feel
great [ ] and you'll naturally feel your best.

Help your body burn fat [ ], and you'll feel even
better. Because no one needs to be lugging around extra fat they don't

What the hell is the alternative?!? Get to the point where you can't walk,
can't do anything for yourself, and have to be placed in a nursing home?

F%#k that.

Choose to have healthy joints by ordering

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Need to lose 5, 10, or 100+ pounds of fat? Try my AM/PM Fat Loss
program while you're at it! See pics of amazing transformations of everyday
people just like you, who put the work in: )