Subject: ~60 Minutes Left for 20% Off!!!


Only 60 minutes left to get 20% off Relief FX and Serotonin FX!

Relief FX is on discount simply because of the outrageous
heart risk associated with taking things like Ibuprofen, Tylenol
and Aspirin.

The Serotonin FX is on sale because we have to raise the price
in a few weeks!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

All of my products are FREE of preservatives, flow agents and colorants!

Plus, they're encapsulated with truly health, natural gelatin, and not
"veggie caps!" Veggie caps are simply a euphemism for a
pharmaceutical glue known as hypromellose!!!!! This sticky synthetic
product binds up your insides!

Also, I use an extraction method that was concealed for 26 years
by Big Pharma! This technique ensures whole-herb potency and
efficacy...making it 4-6 times stronger than competitors.

...sometimes being a chemist has its perks!

And lastly, my products are the only ones in the world that come with
a no-pesticide guarantee! Every batch is run through strict Quality
Control Standard to guarantee a clean and pure product!

Get your 20% off at

Hurry...only 59 minutes left!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist