Subject: ~6 Years Free of Heart Attack and Prescription Drugs!

Sometimes the human heart stops working unexpectedly…even when you're
smack in the middle of that thing called LIFE.

This is known as a heart attack (AKA a "myocardial infarction") — where
there's a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle.

When you have a heart attack, you come razor-sharp close to death. Some
people live…others don't.

Elizabeth was lucky…she's one of the few who lived!

"In August of 2008, I had a myocardial infarct," she wrote to my support
team. "Two stents were put in place. Then in March of 2010, I had another
myocardial infarct…1 more stent was put in place."

Three strikes, you're out…right?!?

Who knows if Elizabeth's body could have survived a third myocardial

Thankfully, she didn't gamble with her life…

"In April of 2010, I started to take Cinnergy," she says. "In May I added
Cardio FX."

Cardio FX is my ultra-potent supplement that protects the heart from all
threats. Consider it "life insurance" against heart attacks.

Meanwhile, Cinnergy is aging's worst enemy. It simply slows down the aging
process by clearing out sugar and flooding the body with beneficial
nutrients (as outlined on

Sugar is like a knife to clay when it meets arteries. Carding up your
insides, it the chief inflammatory putting you at risk for poor heart
health. Cinerary helps circumvent the risk.

As Elizabeth states, she started taking these two supplements in 2010,
courtesy of The People's Chemist.

Six years later, what happened?

"No more myocardial infarcts!!" she writes. "AND no more high blood
pressure or hypertensive drugs!! Thanks to The Peoples Chemist! I'm
completely off hypertensive meds."

Her email came to me in January 2016.

Do the math…That's six years of taking Cardio FX + Cinnergy (beneficial
supplements) that protected her body from danger.

While Cinnergy is geared more towards squashing the threat of premature
aging…Cardio FX is the pill to take if your goal is to protect your
heart…and your life!

Note: These are NOT drugs. They're both safe, non-toxic supplements made
with ingredients from Mother Nature…and you can order Cardio FX here:

Cardio FX ensures that blood flows continuously to the heart muscle, and
that circulation throughout the body is improved and maximized for optimal
health. Kind of like how air traffic controllers ensure that planes move
safely on and off the runways at the airports at all hours of the day!

Unlike hypertension meds, Cardio FX won't strip your inside of vital
nutrients either.

Heart meds can kill you…thus defeating the purpose of taking them.

Cardio FX offers a safer way to protect your heart from cardiovascular
disease, heart attack, stroke, and myocardial chaos. (Plus, it lowers blood
pressure and is great for athletes who want increased endurance!)

Get all the facts at and start protecting your heart

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The threat of heart attack is very real…especially in today's modern
day society filled with toxins that create INFLAMMATION in the body…which
makes it difficult for arteries to allow for sufficient blood flow. That's
why taking Cardio FX acts as your "insurance" against the threat of heart
attack. Try your first bottle at — and let me know
how it makes you feel! This product is proven to safely lower blood
pressure numbers, as well as strengthen the overall cardiovascular system,
bust through blood clots, and increase oxygen intake for faster recovery.
Order now: