Subject: ~6 Simple Habits to Correct Sugar Damage

For the last few months I've been sending out images of people who
have used my strategies to lose mega-weight while gaining muscle.
Just yesterday I featured Ryan who lost 160 pounds.

The critics stormed my inbox insisting that he starved himself or spent
hours a day in the gym....wrong. It doesn’t take huge sacrifice to be fit and
healthy, only hormones.

This was probably the most valuable lesson I learned decades ago in graduate
school as a medicinal chemist...its all about hormones not sacrifice. When
your body has been trashed by sugar, artificial flavors, alcohol and meds, only
your own, unique hormone balance, output and sensitivity can remedy it...

I used this discovery to make weight to win an IBJFF Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu World
Title. My wife used it to win The Arnold Classic...and now my kids are using it
to be top ranked national athletes in Olympic Lifting and wrestling.

...not bragging, just qualifying the message here so you know this is not
another fad diet. (See short video at

Sure, Ryan and the others had to dig deep and find a constellation
of fighting genes to help them have the will to win. But, it's easy to keep
fighting when your landing every hit.

Losing weight fast and keeping it off–while building lean sexy muscle,
forever can be virtually effortless when you learn to work with your
hormones. And when you do, short bursts of exercise and some slight tweaks
in the diet have enormous consequences on fat loss.

So, the permanent solution you’re looking for has nothing to do with
deprivation, denial or sacrifice:

That means you can say goodbye to never-ending workouts and “just say
no” to bland boring food. And while you’re at it, gather up all your
“diet” books and throw them in the trash.

There is no “secret” to having the body you desire and the health you
deserve. It’s all controlled by your hormones...

[$25 outlines the 6 simple habits you need to master your hormones and
your health:]

Hormones are everything. They determine how much you eat and when.
Whether you burn fat... or store it. They determine whether you feel
energetic and satisfied after a meal... or lethargic and prone to cravings.

They determine whether you feel groggy and cranky in the mornings...or rested
and rejuvenated. Most importantly, your hormones determine whether you
are traveling a path toward disease and early demise... or a lifetime of
youthful activity and healthy longevity.

And the bottom line is that YOU control your hormones!

That is exactly what the book will help you accomplish. You'll discover a
wildly effective way to use food, exercise and nutritional supplements the
right way using my “Hormone Intelligence Therapy,” (HIT) to put a stop to
unruly hormones that make you eat yourself into an early grave.

Where all previous attempts by modern medicine have focused on using
hormone mimics, like thyroid medication or “bioidenticals,” you’ll be
shown how to force your body–or more specifically your DNA–to better
utilize its own internal pharmacy to control appetite and optimize lean
body mass, energy, libido, mood, willpower and all the other things the
diet gurus blamed you for not having, yet were the result of their flimsy
protocols and ill-thought out dietary advice.

[$25 outlines the 6 simple habits you need to master your hormones and
your health:]

This is not a boring thesis on appetite control or the biological mechanisms
of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes. The science jargon has been
kept to a minimum.

This is a call to action – a step-by-step plan to lose 2–3 pounds of
fat each week until you obtain your “best body” with minimal effort and
no suffering.

For the first time in history, there are more obese people than their are
thin ones. And our lifespan is dwindling because of it. Follow this plan
and you’ll rapidly become a HIT Man or HIT Woman – someone who has
reached their full genetic potential, courtesy of proper hormone output,
balance and sensitivity–and you won’t be a part of the new majority.
Hormone intelligence will manifest into vibrant health and longevity as
well as your optimal physique in the shortest time possible!

Ditch the meds, live thin and slim,

The People's Chemist

P.S. $25 outlines the 6 simple habits you need to master your hormones and
your health at