Subject: $5000 Challenge

Get lean and get paid...

Im happy to introduce a good friend of mine, Al Sears, MD.  To motivate you and to introduce his new "PACE program" (it has my 100% approval) he is offering cash and prizes - Ill let him explain it below.  This is a PERFECT compliment to my AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery.  In fact, using it guarantees you a HUGE advantage in this "challenge."

Need to lose a few extra pounds this year? I want to give you some extra motivation. I'm kicking off my first ever Dr. Sears' Fat Loss Challenge... 

There will be prizes for everyone. And, if you lose the most fat, you'll win $5,000!

It's simple and straightforward... a clear-cut win/win situation for every participant. 

Here's the deal: At the end of the year, I realized that I overlooked my own advice. (I hate to admit it, but a busy schedule can make you lose sight of what's important...) For the first time ever, my body fat hit 28%! (I usually keep it around 15 %...)

During the first three months of the New Year,I plan on losing half of my body fat. You will see me lean down to 14% body fat. This is your invitation to join me and...

  • Lose 4" of waist fat in 3 months flat
  • Lose 37 lbs. of fat... and keep it off
  • Still eat the foods you love
  • And, get paid to do it!

Why am I doing this?

I want to see you get lean. Many studies prove that changing your eating and exercise works better with a "buddy".

Think of Me, as Your Partner in the "Buddy System"

For this challenge, you can consider me your "Fat-loss Buddy".  But instead of just offering moral support, I'll be sending you the most effective tips and techniques that you can use to burn the greatest amount of fat in the shortest time possible. 

And, to help you prepare for the Dr. Sears' 2007 Fat Loss Challenge, I'm offering a teleconference explaining in person everything you need to know about my successful PACE program.  Using this exact technique last year, J.M. just lost 37 pounds in 3 months - and that's only an "average" result!

But it doesn't end there.  I want to make sure you have everything you need to maximize fat loss by April 15.  Here's a sample of just some of the tools you'll have:

  • The "Fat Foods" Chart: Not sure which foods make you fat? Or which ones help you lose weight? This is the guide I give my own patients - and I will be using myself.
  • A set of calipers along with easy-to-understand directions to help you measure your own body composition... in the privacy  and convenience of your home CLICK HERE.
  • Your own personal account to log and track your progress.
  •  A copy of the PACE ebook:Rediscover Your Native Fitness- it shatters all the myths and misconceptions about health, aging and fitness.... And helps rebuild your lungs, burn fat, reverse heart disease, plus much more.  Available for immediate download, simply CLICK HERE.
  • The exclusive PACE and Fat Loss Teleconference mentioned above.
  • Weekly fitness and nutritional tips and articles.

I'll keep you posted regarding my personal results.  And members of my staff will also be sharing their diaries on their own progress.

And this is the good part...  We can achieve this goal, together, without any long, tiresome workouts... without giving up that nice, juicy steak... and without drugs.

In 12 short weeks, I know you are going to be amazed at the transformations you'll witness.

The Sooner You Start, The Better Your Chance at $5,000

The Dr. Sears' Fat Loss Challenge is just now getting underway.  I've made it as easy as possible for anyone to get involved who's interested in losing fat... and winning $5,000 in cash or hundreds of dollars in prizes for doing so.

Here's all it takes:

  • Send me your picture along with your body fat composition statistics as soon as possible.
  • On the 15th of each month, send in an updated photo and statistics.
  • On April 15, 2007 send me your final photo and information.

It's that simple.

And for the person who gets the greatest percentage body fat reduction... you'll win the grand prize of $5,000 cash

But there's even more than that.  We are offering prizes galore, in multiple categories. And every participant who surpasses my own body fat loss will win a prize package worth more than $200. 

Not to mention the fact that you'll start the year leaner, healthier, and with the body you've always dreamed of.

$5,000... Yours for the Taking!

I couldn't be more excited about this challenge... and the buzz is spreading.  My staff is excited.  My patients are excited and more are signing up every day.

Quite simply, there's no better way to kick off the year than healthier and wealthier.

With the Dr. Sears' Fat Loss Challenge, it's never been so easy.  You'll have all of the tools you need, right at your fingertips.

I urge you to sign up today. It's free and I have $5,000 safely tucked away, and I'm just waiting to hand it over to you.

So if you are truly interested in starting 2007 by finally getting rid of that unwanted fat... and getting paid to do it... CLICK HERE.

I do hope you'll be joining me.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

P.S. At the teleconference tonight, I am going to tell you about the most effective fat loss technique I ever seen.  I witnessed first-hand one man lose 103 pounds of fat in 3 months.  To join in CLICK HERE.