Subject: 4 Ways to Celebrate Without Getting Fat! (Shocking Pics)

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Ridiculous Photo Shows me Prepping for 2000 Mile Trip:    


4 Ways To Celebrate Without Getting Fat

In August, both of my kids celebrate their birthday, and so does my wife, Lea-Ann!  That's enough birthday cake to feed a small army.  Add to that, August marks our 12th year wedding anniversary!  That's 4 weeks of celebrating, and I've learned 4 tricks to doing it without getting fat.    

This year, we decided to fly over 2000 miles so that each of us could visit a place of their choice.  In the mix was Sedona, AZ., the Grand Canyon, Lake Powell by air, Montrose CO, and Las Vegas.

The trip would not only cover a huge distance, but I'd also be flying in desert conditions with more weight than usual, which means that my plane would have to be in perfect working condition to perform under the added stressors. 

The day before, I spent considerable time looking into every nook-and-cranny to make sure it was ready to help us break the bonds of gravity, temporarily.  And, Lea-Ann thinks its hot when I'm working on the plane, without a shirt....So she snapped the above photo.  

I decided to use it to show that, while I'm not a body builder, I do in fact maintain a level of fitness that allows me go shirtless without wondering if I look fat.

And to keep it, I'm pretty strict about following a few Celebrations Rules that anyone can follow to do the same.   

Celebration Rule #1: Avoid Processed Cakes and Desserts

For cake, we only eat  It tastes amazing, and has less sugar than an apple!  Better, there is not a single spec of artificial flavors found in the cake.  To make it fun and exciting for the kids, we let them decorate their own cupcakes with ganache and sprinkles.

Celebration Rule #2:  If You Don't Know the Farmer, Don't Eat The Meat

All of our food was pre-ordered online and sent to us wherever we were staying courtesy of  It's the best tasting, healthiest food you will ever consume, and the prices are fantastic.  

Celebration Rule #3:  If You Don't know the Wine Maker, Don't Drink The Wine

Most wines are loaded with added sulfites!  These pesky compounds are purported to preserve the wine, but add to headaches and inflammation for those who gulp them down.  

Our Daily Red is an outstanding company that has defied the rules to produce a clean, organic wine that has no detected sulfites! I found Our Daily Red everywhere wine was sold!  Look for it.

You can get to know this wine and the owner by listening to an interview I posted on my blog at

Celebration Rule #4:  Always Use Your Supplements to Offset Excess Partying and All-Out Bad Behavior

A day didn't go by without me using at least one of my creations to aid in detox, deep sleep, more "bedroom fun," or push me through my exercise routine.  Most important were:

ThermoFX: The Barely Legal Diet Pill for Mass Energy and More Thermogenesis

Cinnergy: Milk Thistle and Cinnamon for Detox and Anti-Aging

Vegas Venom:  Made for Men Enjoyed By Women...Enhancement pill that REALLY works!

Deep Restful Sleep for Recovery and Focus

Here is to another year of living young, and many more!  May you do the same!  Send me your updates and post your questions at

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at