Subject: ~4 Things to Avoid in Your Protein Powder

As a private pilot, I travel a lot. And no matter where I go, gym
owners and personal trainers always get their protein recommendation
wrong. As a chemist, it’s frustrating as hell because very few know
how their damaging their future by drinking the usual crap…

Here’s the facts….

The body is constantly refurbishing itself. Like a lizard shedding
skin or regenerating a new tail, your atoms are always being
reproduced to yield a newer, healthier you. Technically, it’s known
as cellular turnover. And it’s fueled by protein.

Turnover replaces our entire skeletal system in the first year of
life. As adults, 10% is renewed.

The liver and the pancreas regenerate every year or two. Our
gastrointestinal tract and skin are replaced every five days. And of
course, turnover gives rise to lean muscle. After all, muscle is
nothing more than the by-product of healing – the more you damage
your muscles, the healthier they grow.

Just like cell turnover restores and ensures the integrity of our
physical make-up, it also supports mental stamina. When working
properly, protein fueled turnover activates an internal pharmacy
within you! It manufactures pain killing and emotion soothing
chemicals. They’re known predominantly as opioids. These compounds
attenuate physical pain. But more importantly, they also help curb
everyday stress and depression. Without them, life can be a real

This helps explain why many people who lack protein are typically ill,
depressed or reach their “wit’s end” sooner and find life harder to c
ope with – they aren’t activating cellular turnover! Athletes, the eld
erly and children are most susceptible. In this regard, protein intake
represents a forgotten, therapeutic option for increasing not only ph
ysical health but also mental stamina.

The best source of protein for activating the life-enhancing process
of cellular turnover is whey protein and micellar casein.

But instead of fuel your life, most whey products will harm it. Here
are four things to avoid in bad protein powders:

1. Denatured and Hydrolyzed Protein

Proteins only work if they keep their three dimensional shape. That’s
because, like a key for a lock, they work by triggering select recepto
rs. When whey protein undergoes denaturation or hydrolyzation, it lose
s the proper dimensions intended by nature. Effectiveness is lost and
the renewing process of cellular turnover wanes. Adding to the negativ
e outcome, these processing methods give rise to toxic levels of free
aspartic acid and glutamic acid (MSG). Both have toxicity profiles tha
t make party drugs look like health foods.

2. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners screw up your metabolism and drastically
increase your risk of cancer. A recent study review published in the
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine noted that the rise in the
percentage of obese Americans coincides with an increase in the
widespread use of non-caloric artificial sweeteners like aspartame
and sucralose (Splenda).

A 2012 mega-analysis of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study
(HPFS) and the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) looked at epidemiological
data from a 22 year period. It found that the artificial sweetener
aspartame was a “multi-potential carcinogenic agent,” which
significantly increases the risk of many cancers like myeloma,
non-Hodgkin lymphomas and leukemia. Clearly not something that
belongs in a health product!

3. Soy Protein

In the early 1990’s soy products exploded onto the marketplace
promising numerous health benefits. Soy protein isolate was
feverishly added to meal replacement shakes, bottled fruit drinks,
protein bars, soups and sauces, baked goods, meats, breakfast cereals
and dietary supplements. It was less expensive than dairy whey and
was poised to be the king of protein…That is, until its
gender-bending qualities were discovered.

A growing body of research revealed that soy protein contains plant
estrogens such as genistein and daidzein, causing feminizing effects
in the male body. A Harvard study published in the journal Human
Reproduction also found a strong association between men’s
consumption of soy foods and decreased sperm counts. In total,
studies show that soy increases inflammation, depletes the body of
nutrients and disrupts thyroid function.

4. Sugar

Sugar gives rise to the two biggest threats to health: fat gain and
insatiable appetite. The minute you consume it, your hormones begin
to favor fat storage over fat burning. Simultaneously, it sets off an
artificial feeling of hunger hours later. If that’s not bad enough,
it’s the leading cause of Type II diabetes and feeds cancer growth.
The only acceptable sweetener for any whey protein is stevia.

Avoid all four of the above ingredients in your whey protein and
you’ll finally be able to leverage the forgotten, regenerative
process of cellular turnover. Teach your gym buddies to do the same
and they’ll love you for it.

To further the benefits of whey, make sure it contains the slow
releasing, anti-catabolic casein, has no bovine hormones and is cold
processed. Additionally, whey isolate has a higher concentration of
EAA’s and less sugars like maltose and lactose, making it superior to
“whey concentrate.” After a short time of using a superior whey
isolate without additives, you’ll notice first hand that it truly
represents the most important way to live young. It also proves that
given the right nutrients, the body is the most powerful healer.

To keep friends and family away from faulty proteins, I designed Whey
Advanced. You can get it naturally flavored as vanilla or chocolate (
cacao)…No sugar, no artificial flavors, no soy, no soy lecithin, no rB

Stock up at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. The ENTIRE family should be on Whey Advanced, period! Kids,
grandparents…Its the foundation of a great diet! See

P.S.S. You should also avoid whey protein concentrate. It’s loaded
with insulin promoting lactose and maltose, which also upset the