Subject: 4 Ridiculous Vitamins to Avoid

Unbeknownst to many Americans, four of the WORST vitamins are:

Vitamin D…calcium…resveratrol…and folic acid.

Avoid all of these!

Here's why…

1. Vitamin D pills

What so-called "health experts" say: "Your entire family is vitamin D
deficient - even the family dog - and pills will correct it. The deficiency
explains all your ill health...and even your bad haircut."

What science says: Vitamin D pills are hormones made by Big Pharma and
disguised as "vitamins." The University of Colorado, recently showed how
synthetic vitamin D was traditionally used as a "rodenticide" due to its
"cumulative poisonous nature." Once mass production was developed by
Hoffman La- Roche and BASF pharmaceuticals, it was turned into a "vitamin"
courtesy of slick advertising and industry funded studies falsely touting
its benefits (checkbook science).

Vitamin D pills can "plug up" the body, causing the synthetic vitamin to
hide and tuck away into your fat layers (for up to 60 days!) where it
disrupts "hormonal intelligence," causing excess calcification and
dwindling health.

Gross! In contrast, naturally occurring vitamin D from cod liver oil or sun
exposure only lasts for up to 20 minutes, and quickly exerts its benefits
before it's broken down and removed from the body. (See my interview with
the maker of the world’s best cod liver oil - rich in naturally occurring
Vitamin D.) (

You don't need synthetic Vitamin D pills…Toss them.

2. Calcium

What "experts" say: "Choke down calcium pills or your bones will break."
Yea right!

What science says: Calcium pills can "freeze" your arteries by making them
"calcified." You see, there's a HUGE difference between calcium from nature
– which is organic calcium – and the poisonous calcium that's is in
your multi-vitamin!

Fake calcium (in pill form) is so poisonous, that the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) warns against having this crap in your water.

You don't need calcium pills…trash 'em!

3. Resveratrol

What "experts" say: "Resveratrol is the fountain of youth, except it comes
in a pill, usually made by big Pharma, and is the next best thing since
bacon. Honestly!"

What science says: Not a single human clinical trial substantiates
longevity claims. In fact, some studies are showing resveratrol to be

"Resveratrol, a polyphenol derived from red grapes, berries, and peanuts,
has been shown to mediate death of a wide variety of cells. The mechanisms
by which resveratrol mediates cell death include necrosis, apoptosis,
autophagy, and others. While most studies suggest that resveratrol kills
tumor cells selectively, evidence is emerging that certain normal cells
such as endothelial cells, lymphocytes, and chondrocytes are vulnerable to

- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2009

You don't need resveratrol…skip it!

4. Folic acid pills

What "experts" say: Choke down folic acid daily and forever escape fear,
depression, heart disease, cancer or heck, high interest rates and
predatory loans "as long as we get our 400 micrograms daily." (Cheesy smile
here by huckster follows.)

What science says: Folic acid pills are yet another drug disguised as a
vitamin. The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer
Screening trial has linked high folic acid intake with a 32% increased risk
of breast cancer.

You don't need folic acid pills…chuck them in the garbage!

Bottom line…you've been told a bunch of lies by supplement hucksters and
pretend "health gurus."

Chemists have discovered that many of these synthetic impostors - Vitamin
D, calcium, folic acid, and resveratrol - can lead to calcium deposits, a
common condition which, in severe cases, can narrow or block the arteries
that feed the heart. This leads to heart failure.

If these imposters can lead to heart failure, then they're nothing more
than poisons in disguise. Trash them!

Get a real, SAFE multivitamin at

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Remember to trash your Vitamin D, calcium, resveratrol, and folic acid
pills! You don't need ANY of them to be healthy!…in fact, they can
destroy health. Get the facts at And for a truly safe
source of daily nutrients, use Daily Dose - the only multivitamin product
you need. Try your first bottle at