Subject: 4 Of The Worst Vitamins!

4 Of The Worst Vitamins


This weekend we took a guy trip...We ended up at a rodeo. And my son, Blair, decided to ride for the first time!

It was an epic moment!

As his bull was being stuffed into the pen, I encouraged him by saying, "It's going to be just like jiu-jitsu, dude, just hold on for your life and don't give any space between you and the bull."

Like he was sitting in a recliner, he was quick to tell me, "I rode a mechanical bull once in Durango. I'm good."

Then AC/DC blasted through the speakers and the crowd of 1500 started cheering. "Hey papa, how'd they know I like ACDC?"

"DUDE, forget about, it, watch the gate. Get your hand up for balance!"

The rodeo announcer blurted out, "BLAIR ELLISON."

Go time.

The gate swung open on the second syllable, and the calf darted out like he was running home. The little bull didn't stand a chance.

Blair held on for 8 seconds. Then, a clown politely grabbed him off and set him down like he was precious cargo. Thanks clown!

Blair was all smiles.

Like bull riding, life can sometimes knock you down. The key is to always get back up. But when it comes to taking the wrong vitamins, there's no getting up.

Make sure you don't get knocked down by these 4 vitamins…To keep it short, I'm going to show you what popular opinion says, then I'll show you what science says.

4 of The Worst Vitamins

Omega Fish Oils

What "they" say: Get omega-3 fish oils to be saved from the inner fires of
inflammation, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and hell, UFO Abduction.


What science says: You don't need pills to get omega fats. Omega-3 fatty 
acids can be found in generous amounts in servings of grass-fed meat, whole 
eggs, wild-caught fish and pemmican.

And better than their "pill 
counterparts," food source omega-3 fats are accompanied with a host of
 micronutrients and other healthy fats required to increase functional

Vitamin D Pills

What "they" say: Your entire family is vitamin D deficient - even the
 family dog - and pills will correct it. The deficiency explains all your
 ill health...and even your bad haircut.

What science says: Vitamin D pills are hormones made by Big Pharma and
disguised as "vitamins." The University of Colorado, recently showed how
 synthetic vitamin D was traditonally used as a "rodenticide" due to its 
"cumulative poisonous nature." Once mass production was developed by 
Hoffman La-Roche and BASF pharmaceuticals, it was turned into a "vitamin" 
courtesy of slick advertising and industry funded studies falsley touting
its benefits (checkbook science).

Vitamin D pills can "plug up" the body, causing the synthetic vitamin to
hide and tuck away into your fat layers (for up to 60 days!) where it
disrupts "hormonal intelligence," causing excess calcification and
 dwindling health. In contrast, naturally occurring vitamin D from cod liver
oil or sun exposure only lasts for up to 20 minutes, and quickly exerts its 
benefits before it is quickly broken down and removed from the body.


What "they" say: Resveratrol is the fountain of youth, except it comes in a 
pill, usually made by big Pharma, is the next best thing since bacon. 

What science says: Not a single human clinical trials substantiates
 longevity claims. In fact, some studies are showing it to be risky.

"Resveratrol, a polyphenol derived from red grapes, berries, and peanuts,
has been shown to mediate death of a wide variety of cells. The mechanisms
by which resveratrol mediates cell death include necrosis, apoptosis,
autophagy, and others. While most studies suggest that resveratrol kills 
tumor cells selectively, evidence is emerging that certain normal cells 
such as endothelial cells, lymphocytes, and chondrocytes are vulnerable to

- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2009

Folic Acid

What "they" say: Choke down folic acid daily and forever escape fear, 
depression, heart disease, cancer or heck, high interest rates and 
predatory loans as "as long as we get our 400 micrograms daily." (Cheesy
 smile here by huckster)

What science says: Folic acid pills are yet another drug disguised as a
vitamin. The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer
 Screening trial has linked high folic acid intake with a 32% increased risk
of breast cancer.

Enough is enough!

The problem with all of the above "vitamins" is that they are SYNTHETIC.

They are void of their natural behavior. They're impostors that don't behave in the body properly!

SOLUTION: As The People's Chemist, my job is to bring you safe alternatives. Meet Daily Dose! Daily Dose is the first, all-natural multi-vitamin enhanced with curcumin!

When you want more special moments with your family you use Daily Dose to keep you strong and fit! It also wards off cancer Learn more - while supplies last - at
Shane Ellison
The People’s Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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