Subject: 4 Heart Cures: Get off Cholesterol Meds and More


That's your cardiovascular system. And whether young or old, it can fail when you don't provide the right nutrients. In fact, heart disease can begin at 3 years old!

Just like a car stops working when it runs out of gas, the cardiovasular system can shut down without a moments notice when you don't take the right measures to care for it.
Order CardioFX now and get my Hidden Truth about Cholesterol Lowering Drugs eBook FREE!

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I’m not using the word “supercharged” to inflate or hype you up with a cheap sales ploy. I mean it.

Immediate Cardiovascular Benefits

When I set out to design a “multi-nutrient” I wanted users – young and old – to feel IMMEDIATE benefits, while at the same time have MEASURABLE results.

- I wanted blood pressure to plummet - I wanted to increase oxygen intake and distribution - I wanted blood to remain clot free - I wanted to shorten recovery times - I wanted to increase the output of the heart so users could avoid angina, heart failure and weakened output

Using nature’s heart cures, CardioFX does all of that!

CardioFX More Potent, Less Expensive

Each compounded blend is 3 to 4 times more potent than anything found in stores. And it’s also less expensive than buying inferior blends off the shelves of your local health food store!

Try to buy these ingredients separately, and you’ll pay significantly more…Even buying the best deals online, separately, would not be cost effective…

“I did some review on health supplements to compare them to CardioFX. It looks as though Ellison is not trying to rip people off, cost-wise. Here is a summary of the lowest costs that I found, translated into a cost for 150 tablets--the number in a CardioFX bottle:”

Hawthorn - $3.90
Grape Seed - $30
Magnesium Citrate - $6.60
Garlic Powder - $7.42
Total - $47.92

“CardioFX comes to $46.75 if you take advantage of the 15% offer.”

“I didn't research shipping. I figured any differences there would be minimal. However, as stated above, unless you can find everything at the same source, which you probably can (though I did not), the shipping costs would increase.”

The Smarter Choice for Cardiovascular Care

One bottle of CardioFX can last up to five months, or on average two and a half months. That means you only pay $9 to $19 dollars per month to supercharge heart health!

Compare that to cholesterol lowering drugs (which cost on average $200 per month) and blood pressure meds, which come with horrific side effects and you can see why thousands of people have switched to CardioFX – It’s the smarter choice in cardiovascular care.

“It’s always good to know that what we’re buying is a good deal, especially in the world of supplements, and if a customer verifies it independently that’s a pretty good testimonial.”

Get the full report, Save 15% and order now at:

NOTE: This product SELLS OUT because the compounded ingredients TAKE TIME TO MAKE! We are now shipping first come first serve and doing our best to keep it in stock.

Live Young!

The People's Chemist