Subject: ~3 Years of Joint Pain, GONE!


This is the best part about being The People's Chemist.

I get to work with rebels - people who take charge and live young,
any age....It's not like this for everyone, which is why I'm
sending you this short story.

In a quest to eliminate pain, the average consumer blindly follows
doctor's orders, swallows scores of prescription drugs, and endures
nasty side effects.

It's the American way...Like tossing heaps of tax money away for nothing
in return, Americans love popping pills that do nothing.

Once a nation under god, we are now a nation under drugs.

Judie, from Surprise, AZ, is the exception!

At 70 years old she conquered her joint pain (and high blood pressure)
naturally and is now living pain-free without all the craziness of drugs and

It wasn't always like this...Her knees had no cartilage left!

"For years, I suffered from knee arthritis," says Judie. "I needed something to
kill the pain in my arthritic knees with no cartilage left. I was also
trying to solve the problem of high blood pressure for both myself and my
husband. I did not want to take any medications dished out by Big Pharma."

In an attempt to deal with knee pain, Judie says: "I had a series of
Hyalgan injections that hurt so bad, I never went back."

Hyalgan (generic name: sodium hyaluronate) is used to treat knee pain
caused by osteoarthritis. It's believed to lubricate and act as a shock

It usually fails.

Why not make your body heal naturally?

What most doctors don't know is that your body already has the internal
capability to regenerate its own cartilage and soothe its own joint pain.

No need to stab your knees with huge, scary needles!

"I was thinking about knee replacements when I happened to find The
People's Chemist," says Judie. "I'm not sure how I first found out about
TPC other than I had been doing a lot of research into whether or not
vitamin supplements contained things that are not good for us, and whether
the synthetic types were poisonous to the human body."

"My first impression of Shane was ‘I hope this guy is just not a
glorified salesman.' But then as I tried the products, I realized he knew
exactly what he was talking about."

I've been called worse...Glorified salesman is fine when your products

And, I'm glad she was skeptical. It's a sign of intelligence. With so much
disinformation these days, you'd have to be a moron not to be skeptical.

Fortunately, she didn't let it stop her from actually TRYING Joint FX.

After taking my Joint FX (, Judie soon discovered she
could "turn on" her body's ability to regenerate cartilage simply by giving
it the natural ingredients it needs.

"I tried the JointFX ( and within 3 weeks of taking 3
capsules twice daily, I was free of pain for the first time in years,"
Judie says.

"That was a year ago. Now, I take it faithfully and rarely ever have
anymore pain."

Each capsule of Joint FX is packed with ingredients that don't give pain a
chance to stay with you ( It floods your joints with
safe, natural ingredients that quickly soothe pain. By feeding your body
Joint FX, you also force your body to start creating new cartilage over

"Not having to take Big Pharma meds is what motivated me to solve these
problems naturally," Judie says. "I knew there had to be a better way to
kill the pain and re-grow cartilage, and avoid knee replacements. I am
happy to report I have NO pain today a year later and have not had to
submit to surgery."

"The People's Chemist products excel far and above any other out there and
I will not take anything but these products," she adds. "I've had excellent
results with every single one of your products, Cardio FX, Joint FX and
Relief FX....I will never buy anything else. I don't like the addition of
additives in most supplements, which Shane leaves out."

"Cardio FX has also normalized my blood pressure as well as my husband's!
We are so elated over that. I tried the Relief FX for gout on the instep of
my foot, and it worked in the space of 3 hours, never to return! Wow! I'm
never without a bottle of that now! Even the daily vitamin (Daily Dose) is
excellent. I just ordered 5 bottles of that to make sure I don't run out
for a while."

As Judie discovered, Joint FX is the safest and best way to experience fast
pain relief and long-term cartilage replenishment (
regardless of your age.

"People have said, ‘You are walking and no pain?' Doctors find it hard to
believe that neither of us (myself or my husband) take any kind of drugs
despite the fact we are both 70 years old!" she says. "Our doctor said most
people our age are on several prescriptions and their health is not good
with all the side effects that go along with it."

"Thank you, Shane, for your contribution to health by providing these
natural supplements for those wise enough to wake up and understand what
medicine is doing to them. If it wasn't for you, I don't think either of
myself or my husband would be healthy today."

Anyone can start rebuilding the health of your knees and other joints with
the most effective natural joint pain formula available – Joint FX

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist