Subject: ~3 Worst BP Meds!


Unbelievably, there's a natural alternative to the 3 worst
blood pressure meds that's 100% risk free.

Pilot's have used it to stay off meds.

Moms have used it to ditch their doctors orders...and athletes
use it to increase oxygen and nutrient delivery.

But first, let's look at the 3 worst meds for BP - beta blockers, calcium
channel blockers and ACE-inhibitors. Each one works in a different way,
yet, they all aim to show “better” BP numbers.

Understanding how each one works - its mechanism of
action - highlights their danger.

Beta-blockers cover receptors in the body that are responsible for
controlling heart beat, fat metabolism and energy. When activated
normally, heart rate increases, fat is burned for energy (rather than
storage) and energy shoots up.

Cover them up with meds, and all three plummet. Heart rate drops,
showing a lower (but unhealthy ) blood pressure, metabolism drops in favor
of fat storage and lower energy. In time, this throws hormones out of
whack and the body is ripe for cancer, heart disease and Type II diabetes.

The ACE-Inhibitors were designed from snake venom! Like getting bitten by
a snake, they relax arteries so damn much that heart failure becomes a real
and present danger among users. The Pharmaceutical Journal warned doctors
that, "While most hypertensive patients could cope with feeling a little
dizzy, the combination of low blood pressure, deteriorating renal function
and increased plasma potassium could result in arrhythmias and deaths in
heart failure patients.”

And finally, there are the calcium channel blockers, which block electrical
transmission in the heart to lower blood pressure. Absurd. Calcium is the
chief substance required for igniting and controlling heart beat. When you
prevent it from doing its job, the heart slowly dies. If that’s not bad
enough, this class of drugs is also notorious for causing cancer.

In 2013, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a
study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, theorizing that
calcium channel blockers may cause breast cancer. The study monitored more
than 1,700 women between the ages of 55 and 74. They were divided into
three groups: a control group that was cancer-free and two more groups that
included women who had either been diagnosed with invasive lobular cancer
or invasive ductal breast cancer. Shockingly, women on the meds for a
period of 10 years increased their risk of developing lobular and ductal
breast cancer by a whopping 2.5 times!

Overall, scientific journals from around the world have shown that people
who take blood pressure meds are at a higher risk of dying or being
hospitalized for cardiac procedure regardless of any blood pressure
lowering effects from the meds. Researchers from The New York University
School of Medicine monitored 44,000 people who were at risk for
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). They wrote that the most
common, nasty side effects of popular heart medications were, fatigue,
headache, upset stomach, weight gain, Type II diabetes.

See the trend, finally?

Blood pressure meds are the problem — not the solution. Fortunately, there
are wildly effective natural cures that can help you control your blood
pressure while at the same time, optimize heart health, bust unruly blood
clots and increase the distribution of oxygen and nutrients, without side effects!

There is a much better way to preserve your cardiovascular health.

Learn all about it with this short 1-minute video:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

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