Subject: 3 Hazardous Supplement Fallacies and How to Avoid them


Since most people aren't accustomed to reading anything other than
popular news media, they are totally unaware of the most prevalent
vitamin and supplement fallacies...Each and every fallacy, too, is harmful
to health, not just a waste of money.

Here are the top 3.

Supplement Fallacy #1

Get omega-3 fish oils to be saved from the inner fires of inflammation,
diabetes, Alzheimer's…and UFO Abduction.

Looking Closer at the Claim:

Omega-3 pills are highly processed oils that offer zero benefit to the
user. Heck, even the clinical trials FUNDED by the very same
pharmaceutical companies that make and sell the distilled oily goo were
an abysmal failure.

The NY Times got wind and reported, "The vast majority of clinical trials
involving fish oil have found no evidence that it lowers the risk of heart
attack and stroke."

Worse, throwing a processed oil slick down your throat and calling
it healthy can actually harm you.

The real way to get healthy fats is to eat ethically raised beef, butter,
whole eggs, wild-caught fish and pemmican. And better than their "pill
counterparts," food sourced fats are accompanied with a host of
micronutrients and other healthy fats that are required for increased

By themselves, omega-3 fats are hollowed versions of Mother Nature that
are hazardous to health and a total waste of money.

[RELATED: See this truly natural multivitamin to smother inflammation,
preserve memory and fight cancer: ]

Supplement Fallacy #2

Your entire family is vitamin D deficient – even the family dog – and
pills will correct it. The deficiency explains all your depression, flu
symptoms, sore throat…and even your bad haircut. And if you live
North of Colorado, OH MY GAWD, you better start swallowing D pills

Looking Closer at the Claim

A vitamin D pill is a synthetic hormone made by the drug industry that
attempts to mimic an array of "vitamin D hormones" (isomers) produced by
nature and the body. You don't have a deficiency in that, nobody on the
f@#$%ing planet does! Vitamin D in fact, is not, by definition, even a vitamin!

Vitamin D tests are designed by the pharmaceutical makers to hook you on their
wares…No surprise. It's common knowledge.

Who are the pharmaceutical makers?

Big Pharma cartels BASF and Hoffman La Roche are the largest manufacturers
and have disguised the franken-chemical as a vitamin in order to sell it.
That's who.

Promotion rests in "business as usual" for the industry: Instill fear.
And they've done it with a "deficiency hypothesis" that has everyone
regurgitating their "25-hydroxyvitamin D" levels. But it's as weak as
milk toast. Ever wonder who defines our "ideal levels?" (See above)

To date, only statistical associations are used to support the deficiency
hypothesis, not causal ones. This is akin to saying that since everyone
who died of a heart attack today had a refrigerator in their home, the
likely culprit is Kenmore.

Vitamin D use is also rationalized with the "rickets rational," insisting
that it cured the paralyzing disease, which is prima facie evidence of its
healing qualities. Sunshine cured rickets, not vitamin D pills made in the
stinky labs of Big Pharma. And, if you think the two are synonymous,
you've been watching too much Operation Repo.

Highlighting the Vitamin D pill controversy, The New York Times recently
wrote that "The excitement about their health potential is still far ahead
of the science." Amen.

In their report, "The Endocrine System," the University of Colorado,
reminded us that, "Ingestion of milligram quantities of vitamin D over
periods of weeks of months can be severely toxic to humans and animals. In
fact, baits laced with vitamin D are used very effectively as
rodenticides." This isn't inexplicable.

Once swallowed, the Franken-chemical can "plug" the body with calcium and
induce calcification, which among rodents leads to heart failure. At the
very least, it's a warning that natural sources of vitamin D isomers like
sunshine and cod liver oil are a smarter choice over a manmade hormone

Supplement Fallacy #3

Resveratrol is the fountain of youth. Stop wrinkles, aging, diabetes…and
you're your wife's constant complaining about your unwillingness to vacuum.

Looking Closer at the Claim

Not a single human clinical trial substantiates resveratrol longevity
claims. In fact, some studies are showing resveratrol acts like a
biological grenade, exploding and destroying a variety of healthy cells
internally once consumed – when isolated from its from its evolutionary,
whole food context.

Just last year, Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, concluded that,
"Resveratrol, a polyphenol derived from red grapes, berries, and peanuts,
has been shown to mediate death of a wide variety of cells. The mechanisms
by which resveratrol mediates cell death include necrosis, apoptosis,
autophagy, and others. While most studies suggest that resveratrol kills
tumor cells selectively, evidence is emerging that certain normal cells
such as endothelial cells, lymphocytes, and chondrocytes are vulnerable to

With so many fleeing the prescription drug ship, the nutritional supplement
industry will continue to act as life saver. And in the process,
supplement fallacies will be thrown around like mini-flags at 4th of July

Most of them are sure to erode health and detract from the real
science that justifies the use of select, natural healers as the
first-line-of-defense in the fight against poor health.

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Looking for a super pill that will crush inflammation, battle cancer,
energize, protect your brain, stop blood clots and lots more? How about a
truly natural multi-vitamin? Check out this beauty at