Subject: ~29,000 dead in 30 days! (This is REAL)


A nasty intestinal bug called Clostridium difficile, or (C. diff. for short), is terrorizing Americans one trip to the potty at a time.

It brings diarrhea and in some cases, can lead to a serious intestinal condition known as colitis.

In the worst case scenario, C. diff. can kill you.

Like a crazed mafia leader, it has no conscience.

The bug is said to be responsible for 15,000 deaths annually – mostly in people older than 65 years of age.  More recent, it's getting worse.

"People getting medical care can catch serious infections called healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). One type of HAI – caused by the germ C. difficile – was estimated to cause almost half a million infections in the United States in 2011, and 29,000 died within 30 days of the initial diagnosis. Those most at risk are people, especially older adults, who take antibiotics and also get medical care." - CDC

Why? Because after antibiotics kill all the bacteria in your gut, what's left behind is a favorable environment that allows the bug to FLOURISH!

Like a pig happily rolling in shit, the C. diff. bug thrives in your intestines.

Why bother exposing yourself to antibiotics in the first place? All this does is put out the "welcome mat" for stomach bugs.

Unlike antibiotics, Immune FX does NOT cause stomach bugs. Instead, it causes a healthy immune system and fights off intestinal bug that don't belong!

The main ingredient, andrographis, is nothing short of amazing at boosting immunity and protecting against bacterial and viral infection.

It's Mother Nature's secret weapon against nasty bugs and illnesses. It has been a staple to natural medicine for thousands of years for its success in treating snakebites and overcoming malaria and dysentery. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered to be especially effective in clearing heat from the body and blood and is commonly used in treating heart conditions which include infection in the lungs, urinary tract, and throat (think strep throat).

Within the halls of Big Pharma, modern research has proven andrographis to be beneficial at removing blood clots, stopping the spread of multiple types of cancer, and increasing the amount of immune enhancing white blood cells that your immune system produces.

Unfortunately, not everybody knows about it. Most are too busy being swindled into taking synthetic vitamin D pills or ascorbic acid masquerading as vitamin C. Meanwhile, Immune FX is the perfect cure to bad bugs in the gut and protecting against all types of infection.

According to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the New England Journal of Medicine, 453,000 Americans got sick from C. diff. in 2011.

While 15,000 people are dying each year courtesy of C. diff., you can protect yourself from this intestinal fiasco by using Immune FX.

And remember, before taking antibiotics, think twice! All they do is effectively "open the door" for C. diff. to enter your colon and wreak havoc on your intestines.

That's about as smart as giving terrorists the key to your house.

There's a better way to build up immunity, and it's Immune FX.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. You don't have to be the C. diff. bug's next victim. Stock up on Immune FX now to "power up" your immune system, so you can squash this bug effortlessly.
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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