Subject: ~20% Off! What I give my kids for pain...(Last Day!)

The People's Chemist
Pain Is Temporary...When You Have Relief FX!
20% Outrage Sale!
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Wrestling is a way of life for my family.  Always has been.  Without it, there'd be no People's Chemist.  After all, I wasn't even a candidate for college - too many missed classes and run-ins with the police.  

A rebel at heart, a college coach gave me a chance courtesy of my wrestling.  And the rest is history.  It parlayed into another scholarship for graduate school...

My oldest son Blair is now learning life's lessons on the mat, at warp speed.  That's what's so special about the sport.  It's like an accelerator pad for learning the trials and tribulations of life.  In time, it teaches how to manage emotion and focus before you take the stage of real life.

"Trust me, Blair, if you think wrestling is hard, life is much worse.  Lose a match and it's just a loss.  Lose in life, it's your entire future."
And with that, we've been charging forward.  

Pictured above, he's at the toughest tournament of the season - State.  He had just made it past "The Blood Round."  That means he's guaranteed to place to top 6.  

He kept charging.  

After cutting from 109 lbs to make 98 lbs the night before, Blair had to learn all the tricks of hydration and diet over the last 3 years.  Without them, it's damn hard to maintain enough energy to charge through the bracket.

But those aren't the only lessons.

With a lot of losses behind him from previous years, his coach taught him that, "It's OK to hate your results.  It's not OK to wake up the next day and forget about them.  Focus on your weaknesses more than your strengths.  Then fix them!"

He kept crawling over glass and made it into the State finals!  Once there, he came up short, losing 6-0, taking second.

I told him, "there's always going to be someone who out works you.  You gotta be that someone!"

Over the years, he's gained valuable lessons that most people won't get in their entire lifetime.  Humility, pride, a code of honor, when to be a lion and when to be a lamb.  And most important, he's learned he doesn't need any medications outside of an emergency.

That means no Ibuprofen, Tylenol, aspirin or OTC pain meds during those long nights of recovery.  Instead, it's dad's all-natural, Relief FX!  

Kids deserve the best, as does the entire family!  And that's where Relief FX becomes a life saver!

Most have no idea that according to the New England Journal of Medicine prescription and over-the-counter painkillers kill over 16,000 people annually!

There's a better way!  Designed almost two decades ago, I've been using Relief FX for every type of nagging pain...Haven't had an OTC in over 20 years!

It's time to make the switch!  For the next 24 hours you can get Relief FX for 20% off!

Get it stocked in your home!!!!  Pain is temporary...even more so with Relief FX!  Protect your family from OTC meds!

-----------> Get it here: 20% Off Relief FX Today Only!

Time to Ditch the Meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. According to a recent study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, even short term use of acetaminophen can cause serious health problems for your liver.  There's a better way!  Save 20% over the next 24 hours ---------> 
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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