Subject: ~20% Off Sale!

How much would you spend to avoid a knee surgery?

Think about it...Your doctor tells you that a knee replacement is
mandatory. You spend hours under the knife, weeks or months
enduring painful rehab sessions and your insurance company
pays huge sums in hospital bills.

And yet there's still no guarantee that your knee will be 100%.

What if one pill helped you avoid the fiasco?

Joint FX did just that for Susan! And I'm so excited for her that I'm
selling it like crazy for 20% off! Stock up here:

"I just want you to know that I am pain free thanks to your Joint FX."

"I'm the person who was told I was going to need a knee replacement."

"I'm the person who has been injected in the knees twice with
God knows what."

"This shot was to provide some cushion...My part of the co pay was $650
and I have so called great insurance."

"According to the doctor this chemical cushing lasts about six months."

"Not only is it costly but I had to go for 6 injections for six weeks.

"Basically, after six months I started hurting again and I got to pay for
more X-rays until my doctor decided he's going to replace my knees."

"I can't tell you what it feels like to have some doctor who doesn't give a

rats ass about you pompously tell you he's giving you a knee replacement
when HE decides."

I'm thinking sure buddy boy....this is MY body. But on the flip side when
you are in so much pain you wonder "am I going to be able to frigging walk
and is this the end of a
normal life?"

It's the kind of pain they prescribe NORCO for. I can't take that crap. I
get so nauseated on any of that super addictive type stuff. NO THANK

"I decided my health is mine and I'm going to do all I can to manage it THE

"So I went on a very clean diet and started using your joint FX."

"My knees were starting to hurt and I'm thinking great here we go again. I
took your
product for 2 days and find myself on vacation at Heart Castle. The guide
says "we will be going up about 300 stairs on this tour. My mind went into
semi panic mode thinking, would I get through the tour, and how would I
finish up the rest of the five days of vacation with my husband. I'm
thinking this tour is going to blow out my knees. I had taken your
supplement 2 frigging days only!!!!!!"

"I got through the tour just fine with no pain. I took joint FX every day
of the vacation and had NO knee pain. I take it daily and have no pain. I also
had this pain down by my ankle that I knew was most likely arthritis and it
is gone too!"

"Your product is amazing and a blessing to me. I tell everyone about it. Of
course I have your book."

"I don't write reviews because I'm busy but I had to sit down and say thank
you for giving me my life back."

"I guess the doctor will keep slicing into peoples hips and knees because
it's so frigging profitable. What a humanitarian thing it would be if a
doctor gave the suggestion of your supplements to try. But we all know
unless we are brain dead it's all about the almighty dollar."

"I'm off to breakfast now with my two Joint FX caps. I'm straight now,
which in slang means I'm good!!! "

- Thanks ....... Susan

Yea, this was an unsolicited email.

Joint FX did ALL of that that for Susan!

Save your joints, live young, get 20% off for the next 12 hours:

It's not uncommon for doctors to push surgery. But they're not 100%.
According to Dr. Amar Ranawat, a hip and knee specialist in the Adult
Reconstruction and Joint Replacement Division of Hospital for Special
Surgery in New York City, there are 5 common reasons that surgery can

1. Wear and loosening: Friction caused by joint surfaces rubbing against
each other wears away the surface of the implant causing bone loss and
loosening of the implants.

2. Infection: Large metal and plastic implants can serve as a surface onto
which bacteria can latch.

3. Fracture: Fractures around the knee implant that disrupt its stability
may require revision surgery.

4. Instability: A sensation of the knee "giving away" may mean that the
soft-tissue surrounding the knee is too weak to support standing and
walking. Improperly placed implants may also cause instability.

5. Stiffness: Loss of range of motion which causes pain and a functional

At the very least, Joint FX is the first line of defense!

I designed Joint FX to help mask pain, but also cure building
cartilage! When used consistently, it helps joints grow young.

Try it now at a huge discount:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Unlike products that contain chondroitin and glucosamine HCl,
Joint FX won't rob you of your hard-earned money. Nor will it accidently
kill you like Vioxx and Celebrex. Safe, effective and natural,
get 20% off and a lifetime of healthy joints:

This sale offer is only good for 12 hours or until supplies last...and that's usually
not very long: